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verbal sexual come ons

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My b/f with whom I have lived for several years told a gal about 6 months ago he "wanted to eat her p****" while high (he is in a treatment program now). He waited until her boyfriend went outside for something before saying this, so that says to me he wasn't so high that he couldn't do a bit of planning. He never told me about this and I have been around this couple a few times since then, with me being the only one who didn't know what happened. The girl and her b/f broke up, and a few weeks ago the b/f told me what happened. When I confronted my b/f he at first lied his ass off, then later admitted it, but said he immediately apologized to the girl after he said it, then went and apologized to the guy. He doesn't get why I am that upset about it cause he says it isn't like he actually DID what he suggested doing with her. This girl lives about amile from us and is a skank. Lately I have seen some red flags that he may be fooling around such as a sudden decline in sex with me that has lasted a few weeks, leaving his cell in his car on weekends now whereas it used to be glued to his hip, and a few others. I am interested in opinions on his behavior, especially from a guys perspective. To me, you don't say something like that to some woman unless you are clearly trying to get something going with her. I'm a newbie, btw.

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You mentioned yourself that he was blitzed when he said it, and it's a complete and utter fallacy to say that "a drunken (or high) man's words are a sober man's thoughts."


I wouldn't give it a second thought. Have you never said something that you've regretted?

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Well I would chalk it up to that, but my b/f's story is he immediately apologized, the other guys story is the girl got pissed, THEN my b/f apologized after the girl tol dher b/f what was said. I would not be as concerned if it were not for the fact that he made a suggestive remark one other time directed to this same girl--well, it waws a bragging about his sexual prowess-- one time when I was around. Plus he recently admitted to me that all the times he has refused to allow me to go out with him to bars etc were because he wanted to be himself and talk to other women. Note: When I used to be allowed to go out with him he did have friendly chitchat with other women--no problem. He stopped taking me though after he did some blatant flirting with one woman and I got upset. BTW, another man also commented on his blatant flirting and ignoring me, so it wasn't my imagination. I guess what I am really asking is, I have this gut feeling he has wandered into infidelity or is about to and I am not sure I know how to cope or even find out.

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Well I would chalk it up to that, but my b/f's story is he immediately apologized, the other guys story is the girl got pissed, THEN my b/f apologized after the girl tol dher b/f what was said. I would not be as concerned if it were not for the fact that he made a suggestive remark one other time directed to this same girl--well, it waws a bragging about his sexual prowess-- one time when I was around. Plus he recently admitted to me that all the times he has refused to allow me to go out with him to bars etc were because he wanted to be himself and talk to other women. Note: When I used to be allowed to go out with him he did have friendly chitchat with other women--no problem. He stopped taking me though after he did some blatant flirting with one woman and I got upset. BTW, another man also commented on his blatant flirting and ignoring me, so it wasn't my imagination. I guess what I am really asking is, I have this gut feeling he has wandered into infidelity or is about to and I am not sure I know how to cope or even find out.


um read this again. pretend it's not about you. then break up with him.


it amazed what people will deal with just to be able to say they are in relationship.

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