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On line dating - should he still be looking?

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Hi All


Am new to this , but have read some threads on here and thought that i wold ask you guys for some advice. I have been dating a lovely man for about 18 months and have recently found out that he is still logging onto the dating site that we met on. He does not contact anyone, but still runs searches out of my home town - we live about 30 miles from each other and his searches are within a 10 mile range of his home.


We make plans together for outings in 3 or 4 months time and he visits me at home with my kids and i share time with his son at his house during his access weekends.


Why is he still looking? Should i let him know that i know that he is still runnning searches or ignore this behaviour? I found out that he searches as a friend has recently joined the site and his profilie is still active and he has looked at her profile on more than noe occaision ( on the evenings that we dont spend together!!) :o

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Should you ignore it?!??!???? WTF come on lady he is searching an online dating site while he is in a LTR with you, dump his ass and move on to someone that will respect you. If you don't it will only get worse and that is a fact.

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yeah, he shouldn't still be searching. people don't search for no reason!!! my bf and i met online and i always kind of worried that he was still looking around or "shopping". i got access into his computer one day and looked at his history of websites for the past week. i thought i saw a dating place and got really upset but he assured me it was something else.. i still don't know what.. but the point is.. HE SHOULDNT BE LOOKING AT PERSONALS STILL!! maybe porn.. but not of actual people in the area with all the same interests. what is the point if hes got you?!

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