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Was I just a trophy?

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I am going out of my mind.


The thing is, I do not know if my ex (who wants me back) ever really did love me and it is killing me.


Here is the thing - my ex loved to brag about me. He absolutely loved it. He would tell EVERYONE how smart, educated, beautiful, sexy and how wealthy I am going to be some day when I am done with my extensive education.That and we had amazing chemistry.


I was never sure if he really liked me for who I am, though. He was older than me by about 12 years, and never even graduated high school and was as poor as a church mouse. I loved him regardless, but he always felt insecure because he felt he could not give me the lifestyle he saw I was used to.


He would tell people that if him and I got married, I was going to take care of him. One of his friends told me that the only thing he saw in me was dollar signs and sex. Because of the fact that he was constantly bragging about me in all these areas, I feel that he never really did love me. Even 6 months ago someone told me that even after him and I broke up, he was still bragging about how good I was in bed. He said he loved me time and time again, but I fear that maybe I was just a trophy to him. Or maybe he did love me but was also just really proud of me?


He wants me back after a year and 2 months apart (I broke up with him.) I do not know what to do because I do not want to be with a man who does not really love me. I cannot stand being a trophy.



Thanks :-)

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He would tell people that if him and I got married, I was going to take care of him.


One of his friends told me that the only thing he saw in me was dollar signs and sex.


hmmmm..... I think that even if you did get back together those two would always be in the back of your mind & probably with good reason - this guy just doesn't sound right.

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