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me and my friend have been friends for 3years now and we really just got really close about a year ago. I have been falling so deep for this chick i dont know what to do. I thought maybe i could just not think about it and it would pass. I stopped thinking about it for months then a fews days ago all these feelings just resurfaced. I told her a few months ago how i felt and it led to our 1st fight after 3 years. We went on rocks for about a month. I really love her i just dont know how to let this go she has made it clear that we have no business messing around "AT LEAST NOT NOW" that it would completley demolish our friendship i just cant drag myself to accept that, then there was my girlfriend whom i really care about but i dunno i never feel bad or any mercy when i cheat on her which i have done several times and it hasnt run across my mind to tell her, then she gets really bitchy when i talk to her.I NEED HELP

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Break up with your girlfriend.


- she does not deserve to be cheated on (I don't think you have a clue about what caring for someone really means).

- you'll probably increase your chances of "messing around" with your friend.

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you need to break up with the girl friend. It is not right to string her along because if you cheat on her you really do not want to be with her.


As for your friend why did she say "at least not right now" what is her reason for not wanting to be with you?

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hey the reaso you dont feel bad or have any mercy is because your dumb a** has not got caught yet but tell ya what...give me her number I will call her and tell her you are cheating and when she walks out and leaves you in the dust and thinks of you nothing less than a pile of crap then you will soon relize what it feels like to care about someone. and the reason the friend does not want anything to do with you is because she sees what see would be looking foward if she were in a relationship with you. Way to go friend keep you tag away from the bumb.:cool:

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