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Something doesn't seem right

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ok been with my g/f for 4 years, she recently broke up with me 2 and a half months ago, I pushed her away because i was acting like an idiot. I thought our relationship was OVER, she said she didn't know what she wanted; she didn't know if she made that right decision (breaking up with me). She was severly depressed and stressed out. She said her heart was broken and that she couldn't do it anymore.


Then a month passes on (during this 2 month period) and I kept asking her what she felt and all that stuff, "I just want to be friends," type stuff, pretty much telling me it was over but letting me down easy and being nice about it. So I back off and start to move on with my life even though I love this girl a-lot. During the end of the two month period it seems that her feelings were starting to resurface and she was starting to be more like herself again. Then she tells me that she made a very big mistake; she can't live without me that she wants me in her life, she wants to be with me for the rest of her life, she wants to be with me forever... you get the point.


all of last week all she has talked about it getting married and having kids, she sounds obsessed with this idea. We talk about it and I tell her that this is going way to fast and that we barely broke up and we need to work things out and I need to get my life together before we can do anything. She keeps saying she is ready to settle down now. I want to be married to her, have kids, settle down, all that good stuff.


She barely broke up with me 2 and a half months ago and at first she didn't want to be with me, now lets get married and live are lives together. she said her feelings are starting to grow and come back because she mentioned it to me. She has always been very honest with me throughout our relationship. Do you think that it is possible for a girl to fall out of love with you and not want to be with you; her feelings resurface and she tells you that her feelings are growing and that she wants to marry you? Does this sound possible or sound like bad news? To me something doesn't seem right, maybe becuase im scared of being hurt again. I-D-K, any similar stories or opinions!?!?

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How old are you two?? I am thinking that she got the ideas of marriage and kids into her head and freaked out... that is all scary and overwhelming especially if you are young... I am 20 and my boyfriend and I are talking about getting married in another 5 or 6 years and that scares the crap out of me when I think about it too much. If this is the case she broke up with you, got away and then realized that the whole idea of marriage and kids isn't really that scary, so now she is excited about it. Maybe all it took was talking to a friend about it who gave her a different perspective. Who knows...


There could be a million reasons why she did what she did and your best way to find out is to talk to her about it, if you are going to marry her then you need to get used to talking about everything. Just casually ask her what she was thinking about when you were broken up. See what she says then take it from there.

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im 19, shes 18 thanks for the input yea there probably a million reasons why But I dont know why. When I ask her about stuff like that its a real touchy subject she will either give me a simple answer or tell me that she doesn't want to talk about it. I get a-lot of I dont know's which means, I do know I just don't want to tell you. It upsets me because when we were split apart everything was so crazy I would get a different answer everytime I asked her something, she was so unsure and confused it was like there were two parts to her. I guess shes out of it, she was really stressed out and depressed, severly. Sometimes is so hard to talk to her she will tell me something and it comes out wrong or I'll take it the wrong way; I tell her to be open and communicate with me. Its really hard sometimes

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