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So..my boyfriend and i have been together for more than a year, and i really love him. He's my first everything and i know he really loves me. However his best friend is a girl, who i find soo annoying to the point that when im around her i get extremely irritated.

The bottom line is:

1. she is always kissing his ass (ive seen it in person, she buys him clothes..etc..tells him how cool he is all the time..its ridiculous)

2. she constantly picks fights with him(if he doesnt call her back..she gets upset, (what normal person does that??) she even wrote him a four page letter tellin him how he doesnt appreciate her, and how he treats everyone better than her, and how she wanted to go out to dinner with him, but he WINED and DINED me for valentines day..its MY boyfriend why shouldnt he WINE AND DINE ME??..and what does that have to do with her)

3. She told him that she liked him ( and when she told him this he replied "shut the hell up you dont like me")

4. Finally, in the beginning i really tried to like her but its ever apparent that shes in love with my boyfriend.

I know I shouldnt be jealous, but I am, I cant help it. I trust my boyfriend whole heartedly, and i know he loves me. And i wouldnt want to try to get rid of his relationship with her bc thats his best friend, and you cant do that to a person. However, i feel like she wont just go away...likes shes always goin to be there. And i dont know how to just let it go...ive talked to him about it, and he's told me countless times that he doesnt want to be with her, he doesnt hide any thing from me. But deep down i feel that its not enough, maybe im too insecure in my own relationship to accept the fact that his close friend is in love with him. And i feel that she knows him better than i do, and that they get along so great...so why is he with me?..I just wish i would stop thinking about this so much...but i cant. To make matters worse i go to school to hours away..and they stay in the same city. HELP!!!! how can i not feel like this anymore?

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