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I met the girl of my dreams...do I have a chance with her?

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I'm a 21 year old male and I just moved into the dorms at the University that I'm attending. I have been here a week and have made 6+ friends in the building that I'm in....


One of them seems to good to be true. She's very casual and a lot of fun. She has many of the same interests as me, even the more of beat ones such as anime, video games and cult tv.


She's no supermodel but has very pretty face, eyes, figure, and...a very nice chest. I believe I'm in the same league as she is as far a looks go...at least I'm pretty sure. So from what I can tell so far(although it's only been a week) she is everyone I want in a women.


Anyways sorry for rambling, but my main concern is my height =(

I'm on the short side 5'6'' to be exact and she is probably 5'4'' maybe 5'5'', so I am slightly taller than her.

Now I've heard girls tend to be into taller guys. (my only previous girl friend was 5'0'') Now I know that it's not a rule, but will such a great catch like her be interested in me when I'm sure she could find a taller guy??


Any advice on the subject is appreciated, but please don't flame or make stupid comments.

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Girls aren't as hung up on height, hair and penis size nearly as much as guys think they are. Be a gentleman, be fun and just be you. That's enough. If she rejects you over your height, is someone that shallow really worth worrying about?


But to answer your question, I don't see why you wouldn't have a very good chance with her.

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Yes. Women are very hung up on height. Don't let them fool you into thinking it's not important to them. You have to understand that height in a man is a very sexual experience to women. Like we like boobs or butts or legs they like a tall guy.


It is up to the girl if she will see you as date-able in spite of your lack of stature. If she was the height of your previous g/f you would have a better chance.

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Height is important to some women. Some women think it's important until they meet a smaller guy they really dig. Some women can't get over it. Some women actually prefer a guy not a lot taller than they are. Generalizations about it are worthless when it comes to discussing a particular woman. Guys tend to be more hung up on it than women are.

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Ask any women on LS if height is important in a guy they date.:D


I didn't say it was unimportant. I said "Height is important to some women. Some women think it's important until they meet a smaller guy they really dig. Some women can't get over it. Some women actually prefer a guy not a lot taller than they are. Generalizations about it are worthless when it comes to discussing a particular woman."


And it bothers guys more than it does women.


Women overlook a lot. For instance, what woman here would ever say she desires to be with a stupid a**hole. But then look at how many actually end up with stupid a**holes. What they say they want and what they end up going for tend to be two different things.

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What they say they want and what they end up going for tend to be two different things.



I will agree with this statement. They say they want a nice guy but we know most really like the a-holes.:lmao:

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I will agree with this statement. They say they want a nice guy but we know most really like the a-holes.:lmao:


Can't argue with you there, Yamahalpha. You've clearly learned your lessons in life.

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Can't argue with you there, Yamahalpha. You've clearly learned your lessons in life.


I think we've all been down that road at one time. You chalk it up to one of life's lessons and hit the apply button.;)

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