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this really hurts.. need some

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hey guys i am really confused right now and i just came here looking for some advice..anyways heres the situation


i have been friends with this girl for about 4 years so far. Btw i am 19 and shes turning 20 soon. You couldve said that we were close friends..

it wasnt until this summer that it hit me..i have feelings for this girl.. shes everything i want and more.. and i would do anything for her. so i thought i would never have a chance with her b/c i am in the "friend zone", but i took my chances and tried my best to get out. i told her how i felt and she said give it time. it worked i saw her almost everyday i did everything i could..i made the moves on her like putting my arm around her and holding her hand. everything was going well but i was ready to go into a relationship. so i asked her whats going on between us. I asked her if she had any interest in my whatsoever. She said yes. I then asked her why shes afraid of getting in a relationship with me. She said it wasnt simple, and when i found out it really wasnt simple. Her first love lets say which still calls her every now and then hurt her so bad to a point where she couldnt trust any guy anymore. She said the feelings come back once in a while. I asked her if she is over him. She says yes , she doesnt care about him anymore. Since he kept leaving and coming back to her she has her doubts with me i guess which makes it harder. She told me that I dont have to wait for her because it will be painful. Painful for both me and for her because she doesnt want to see me go through it. Anyways she told me if i wait lets say, she will tell me when shes ready. i really dont understand ... if she has any interest in me..why cant she get over the fact that im another guy and how do i make her trust me to make her see that i would never do such a thing like the previous guy.. btw this girl has never had a real boyfriend never been kissed etc.. i really dont know what to do.. cuz shes all i think about 24/7 and its ****ing with me and i feel like i cant do anything..


some advice would help sorry if this is long

but thanks for reading

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You need to understand that this girl has some emotional baggage she's dealing with. You're going to have to tread lightly around her. If you're willing to wait it out, it sounds like you have a chance with her, but be prepared that her trust issues may present a problem for you if you two do become an official couple.

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