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Does hogging count as cheating?

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My boyfriend says no because he is not emotionally attached to fat girls; it is just sexual. I consider it cheating. What do you think?

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The term & the practice are offensive & if this is a genuine question (which I don't believe it is) then why would you want to be with someone who takes advantage of vulnerable women in this way?

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I skimmed through some definitions of hogging. Psychoanalysts write that it is a form of misogyny practiced primarily by sexual predators. I would leave him and find a normal man who doesn't satisfy his sexual desires by preying on women with low self esteem which is what hoggers do, whether their esteem issues arise from being fat, ugly or any other condition which your bf takes advantage of sexually like a pig with no conscience.:sick: :sick: :sick:

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Keep in mind that if he is admitting that he is capable of having sex without emotional attachment, how do you know he really feels anything for you? Anyways, I don't think you should allow him to practice it. I don't think it's a troll if there is so much information about this practice out there. It's just a sick and selfish thing to do.

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How did the topic of hogging ever get brought up? I can't imagine how one starts a conversation regarding something of that nature. Hogging is not something normal people do. You have to be a total degenerate to engage in an act like hogging. Anyone who would hog or treat any other human being in such a sadistic manner is one you should run like hell from.


As for if hogging is not cheating because there is no emotional attachment. I don't understand this logic, at all. If he is having sex with other people without your consent, it's cheating. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out.

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My boyfriend says no because he is not emotionally attached to fat girls; it is just sexual. I consider it cheating. What do you think?

Is Hoggin cheating? This is barely worth a response. Just because the ho is fat makes it okay? is that what you're asking? It's cheating if the parameters of the relationship are fidelity - it's the conduct of the person that matters, not the target of his/her actions.

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Would if be cheating if you went out and "hogged" with no emotional attachement? Would that be okay with him? Do you even want to be with someone with whom that would be okay? Really pathetic if you ask me.

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Stop calling her a troll!


Accusing people of this is just getting old. Any thread that doesn't conform to the usual is accused of being started by a troll.


I just read a couple of other posts by you cuddlebum, and I see comments about partaking in "donkee punches" and your boyfriend wanting to have you watch him with another woman because the jealousy turns him on.


Are you honestly happy in a relationship with this selfish, sexual predator?

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After reading PAs post I went and looked at some of your past posts about your boyfriend. Wow. This man has no respect for you or any other woman by the sound of it. If you were into all the slapping, rough anal sex etc. it would be another matter but you obviously aren't. This man is an abuser.

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Troll alert!


This person has a history of nearly 50 posts on LoveShack. Trolls rarely stick around that long. Please give those with a posting history the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, please use the report utility at the bottom of each page if you suspect a troll rather than making a public pronouncement that could be demeaning to someone who is not.

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Stop calling her a troll!


I think it's mainly due to the nature of all her posts PA. They tend to be about some unusual subjects!! :)


Cuddly... really this man is a pig. Ditch him.

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This person has a history of nearly 50 posts on LoveShack. Trolls rarely stick around that long. Please give those with a posting history the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, please use the report utility at the bottom of each page if you suspect a troll rather than making a public pronouncement that could be demeaning to someone who is not.


Exactly my point.


Thanks Tony.


Cuddle... Do you actually enjoy this sexual treatment? I ask this because before we go crticising the things your boyfriend does, we should make sure you are not compltelely happy and comfortable...


Although... I guess you would not have posted if you were.

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A troll is someone who has absolutely no responsibilities and no other meaning in their life than to frabricate meaningless and rather bizarre posts on Internet forums.

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IMO, yes its cheating. Just because theres no emotional attachement and its just physical thing doesn't mean its not cheating. Theres different types of cheating, emotional, physical, mental etc. Of course those who do not beleive in different types of cheating wont see that point. Then there are some who do believe in those forms, but if they are doing it themselves, might just be trying to justify their behavior by saying its not to make them feel that what they are doing is ok. JMO on the matter.

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Is looking for women that are fat/have low self esteem to have sex with really that bad though?


I mean what if you couldn't get anyone else?


And surely having sex with them would make them feel better anyway.

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Is looking for women that are fat/have low self esteem to have sex with really that bad though?


Yes it can be if they are being sought out for the wrong reasons.



I mean what if you couldn't get anyone else?


So does that qualify as an acceptable 'excuse' to use a fat woman for your own selfish desires? Please explain yourself in the context of 'hogging' as that is what is being discussed.



And surely having sex with them would make them feel better anyway.


Oh really? :rolleyes:


Do you know this for a fact or are you just making an assumption here? An assumption that, IMO, is quite arrogant and offensive.

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Is looking for women that are fat/have low self esteem to have sex with really that bad though?


I mean what if you couldn't get anyone else?


And surely having sex with them would make them feel better anyway.


Are you serious????


I think you've missed the point here a bit, hogging isn't about liking someone for themselves, it's about targeting someone with low self esteem and taking advantage of that. I don't think that's going to make anyone feel good, do you?

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Are you serious????


I think you've missed the point here a bit, hogging isn't about liking someone for themselves, it's about targeting someone with low self esteem and taking advantage of that. I don't think that's going to make anyone feel good, do you?


So whats the difference between that, and spotting a fat girl or not so attractive girl in a nightclub and thinking 'I'll go and chat her up because I'll probably have a chance with her, whereas if I went to an attractive girl there's no way she'd want me'


Everyone does this to some extent, I mean, the majority of people don't purposley target people that're out of their league, do they?


These guys may be losers when it comes to getting women. And women who're fat, not so attractive, have low self esteem ect are the only women they can get.

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