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Would it be right?

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Me and my g/f have been together for 4 years she eventually feel in love with me as I did with her, I fell out of love with her and I was honest and told her. She was heart broken and almost everyday she would complain "I wish you would feel the same way about me." Her parents turned me off and pushed me away from her. I learned to love her for who she is and what she is to me. I was mistreating her and she eventually fell out of love with me(she was deeply in love.)


We recently broke up and are now working on things, she tells me she loves me more then she ever has (im the one, she cant live without me), during the 4 years together she has never told me im the one, and I know actions speak louder then words. Her actions show me how much she cares and loves me a-lot, she has been telling me she is falling for me again. is it possible to get married to someone but not be in love with them!?!?


Are feelings for eachother are very strong and we have been through a-lot, we do everything together. My feelings for her are starting to grow and so are hers. anyones advice would be nice

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Why on earth would you marry someone when you aren't inlove with them?? Fast forward your life 5-10 years from now - If you don't love her the way a husband feels for his wife NOW, then you aren't going to in the future.


It seems you're both attached and care, and have gotten used to eachother and are scared to let go and move on.


How old are you two?

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Love is patient, love is kind, blah, blah, blah.


BUT, if you're not "in love" with someone, for the love of god (and all other higher beings), DON'T MARRY THEM.


There is no need to get married, basically 'forever', unless there are legal issues or children involved (and even then its not necessary). NO NEED TO RUSH IT...


Look at all you two have been through in four years! Let another four years pass and re-evaluate. Unless you're both ready for retirement (I don't think so). The 'growing' people do in their twenties, thirties, and forties is truly amazing. Don't create a situation NOW that requires modification in another time period (i.e., divorce, with all its messiness).


Just my two cents.

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