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Uneasy feelings.

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My current squeeze -


We have a mutual friend - a girl. She can sing like nobody's business.


Anyhow, he plays guitar and writes songs and so he has asked her to play/sing with him.


This past week they got together for the first time. At his house - that is where all his sound equipment is.


I'm really jealous!


Even though she is a friend of mine, I feel really uneasy about it.

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Tell him you're uneasy about it &, if you have to, be there when they're together. Just be prepared that he might get pissed that you don't trust him.

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Well, that is why I haven't said anything already.


I don't want to be the jealous girl requiring calming down.


(even though I obviously am!)


note: She phoned me immediately after she left - I wasn't home - so she left a message. About two minutes later, she phoned back again and left another message, babbling on about various things.

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I had the EXACT same problem once. With the most trustworthy BF ever, but the thought of him being at her house practicing, I was dead set against it. I was sneaky and made sure all 3 of us no longer hung out together after that, and whenever she brought it up, i changed the topic. I told him I did not like it, and he thought it was pretty messed up of me, but because I did not make a big deal about it, it slipped from his mind as I also changed the subject when he brought up that he wanted to do it.


Sorry. I know this does not help as it seems they have already gotten to the stage to make plans.


Are they actually in direct contact with eachother? Have eachother's numbers? This was a really good friend of mine and I knew over the long haul I would not be comfortable with a close palsy me/my BF/my Best friend scenario.


I'm sure you will get flack, as will I for encouraging sneaky behavior, but I say try to subtly intercept and interfere so it does not actually happen. Once it starts it will SUCK for you if it becomes a regular practice thing. Don't tell him not to, just try to ever avoid this coming to fruition by hook or by crook, ya dig?

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It has already happened once and I think there may be plans for another session.


But I dig what you're sayin' and I'm going to try to do what you say.


And, in fact, I'd be quite happy to oust her as a friend altogether. She is very sweet, but I wonder some. Yah, they do keep in touch independent of me. He and I met her while we were all working on a project together.

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My current squeeze -


We have a mutual friend - a girl. She can sing like nobody's business.


Anyhow, he plays guitar and writes songs and so he has asked her to play/sing with him.


This past week they got together for the first time. At his house - that is where all his sound equipment is.


I'm really jealous!


Even though she is a friend of mine, I feel really uneasy about it.


u have every reason to feel the way you do.


i dont want to make you feel worse, but i can imagine what its like. Both of them sharing something that can considered quite intimate.


You just have to trust him

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