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Ok I am currently in a relationship but there is a guy i think who may like me and i like him... but the person I am in a relationship with is related to him. So, I look at it this way, even if he does like me he wouldn't be so keen to tell me for this reason. But what I want to know is if there is anyone I can talk to about signs he does to see if its true. I know I shouldn't want to know, but I have to to be able to let it go.


I remember I am 90% sure he was filming me when i was in the pool couple years ago. This is really a long story to go completely in details right here on this blog. But i have liked him for 4 to 5 years now and I do see him occassionally because of his relationship to my partner.


OKAY... heres my sign to me..... I know that the girlfriend he was with (now they broke up and it didnt last long).... (plus I am almost certain he gathers that I like him more than I should as i have showed signs of that obviously) Well he knows or knew that I knew he didnt want to be with this chick and etc. He said to my partner and I that he was only using her for sex more less, but she says really loving things to him. But he didnt care for her and it would end etc. which is true as they are now not together. BUT that night they broke up, my partner and I was at his place for a visit and he was all lovey with her and being sexy as in touching her up the leg, and butt. But he only did it right infront of me. He cant like me either as im forbidden fruit so to speak. But like 4 days before this incident i sent him a text msg asking him if he thought i was attractive and etc.. I would say that he would of gathered that I liked him as i sort of said that i liked him for a while now and i left it at that. And he said I was going thru a phase and that I would be okay.


This has been going on (my feelings for over 4 years lol) so its not a phase but I want to know what you guys think. Was he trying to make me jealous? Because he didnt do it right infront of anyone else but me!!


And funny enough his girlfriend (maybe for another reason) but after that she looked up at me eventually and just gave me this no smile no frown just this look at me with this why? or like she was trying to figure out something, or that i had to answer something. but she didnt say a thing to me. quite odd and mysterious really.


I would love to have ur opinion and maybe to talk about this with someone as this is reallly eatting me up but its not that bad.. if that makes sense.. i enjoy the whole thing..

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I didn't fully understand your story.


However, I did get that you like this guy, but you have a boyfriend and your boyfriend is the cousin/brother/uncle (something) to the guy you like.


I personally think that you shouldn't go messing aroudn with your bf's relatives.

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And he said I was going thru a phase and that I would be okay.


That sounds like a put-down to me & not at all like the words of a man who is/was interested but trying to keep some distance because of his familial relationship with your b/friend. But hey - what guy doesn't like having their ego stroked?


I think you're just looking for something, anything, to confirm to you that he's interested. But who knows? I could be wrong. Maybe he is interested, like he was interested in that girl he talked so highly of.

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I understand that I shouldn't go there. I am not looking to mingle with the relative. His uncle is my bf. He is much older than me. I suppose i look at his nephew whos my age to me more my age type thing.


But I still would like opinions on whether or not his nephew likes me. were both the same age. And I assume him doing that was to make me jealous, and why would he want to do that. i know its easier not to worry about it and move on, but i cant. i am always trying to figure it out. its not like im going to try and get with him.


please help me

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I agree blue that it doesnt sound as if he is. But why try to make me jealous? Why video record me in the pool? Maybe I have him all wrong. Maybe he doesnt like me or approve of me.


He does like his ladies skinny bones and short, that look HOT, and i clearly dont fit that description. He also said that I am very pretty woman. I suppose he was only being nice, its not like he could say the truth, like YOUR UGLY lol.

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Him trying to make you jealous is only your interpretation of what occurred on that occasion. He doesn't sound like the greatest guy in the world (using a woman for sex & happily telling people that he is - especially another woman) so I'm not at all surprised that he would feel her up in your presence. Are you sure her look at the time wasn't one of embarrassment?


When we like someone we tend to look for signs that that feeling is reciprocated. Often we'll jump at any little thing as an affirmation that that is the case. In truth we never know until there is an overt sign, directly from that person, to confirm it. No one here can tell you how he feels. He could just be a player & a flirt. The lengths you would have to go to find the truth would spell the end of your current relationship. That is the only way you'll know for sure.


So in 4/5 years he's taped you swimming (no doubt he was taping other things that day) & felt up his girl friend in your presence? Then in response to your text message he condescendingly told you that you're going through a phase and that you'll get over it. So get over it already.

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He didnt exactly tell me, he told his uncle (who had it on speaker phone, and he didnt know it). That is the thing, he doesn't tell everyone, he tells everyone that its perfect. That they are happy together etc. But Everyone can see through it. He told his uncle that because they are very close. And my boyfriend is a mature older man, so no benefit gain by tellng him, his uncle could really care less on who he sees.


But Yes I agree i need to move on. But realistically that doesn't happen over night. I agree to really find out what he thinks would cost me my relationship, and I DONT want to lose him, so only solution is to move on and not care. I figured this, guess i just tried to get others opinions. And only got the response I expected and the opinion I would give if someone was in my situation. This guy I like isnt worth all the fuss. He isnt that good come to think about it. Thanks for pointing it out (him using her).

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