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Complicated Relationships....

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The situation is 2 people who have known each other for 6 years and are best of friends. One of them has a child with another man and is living with him. She has not been in love with the father of her child for a few years now. But, she remains committed to her relationship because of the child. Recently she told my friend she was in love with him; she had kept those feelings to herself for many years. My friend who is in a long term relationship admitted having feelings for her also. And the reason why he never pursued her 6 years ago was because she had just met the father of her child at the time.


Complicated and confusing? What do you think these 2 “best of friends” should do?

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For once, Ive learned its not always really about the child. its more security, etc. if its true and she isnt in love with him, she needs to end the relationship. Its hurtful to lie, and eventually the truth will end up out there. Im determined when Im in love, so I wouldnt give up. a relationship consists of two people, and one has to go. it seems he's waiting on her?

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