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Does this guy have two personalities? ...

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Hi, I'm 26 and my partner's 29. We've been together for 9 years and have a 2 year old girl. Recently I've been informed of things my better half is doing. My brother has come to me telling me that he tried to kiss his wife, and has been seen dancing with her and groping her very inappropriately at parties. I confronted him about it and at first he said he didn't remember doing any of this. Eventually his memory was refreshed and he acts like it was no big deal. He says it's just your sister in law, and he's sorry.


If I say anything more about it he just gets defensive and won't hear about it. Again my brother came to me and told me now that my partner keeps asking his wife, "Why did you have to tell, it could have been our secret?" My brother has also confronted him, and asked him if it was me in that situation what would he do, and he replies nothing, like it would actually be ok. He even tells my brother that he doesn't think anything was wrong with what he did. Kind of like he's sorry, and it's not a big deal. I have no idea what to do now. Is he a pig deep down and I just never see it? I have never known him to act like this at all, I always thought I had nothing to worry about, and that I had a good guy. What do you do when you start questioning that you don't really know a person after all those years? It seems maybe like he's someone else with me, and another with others!?


Please help, I need some advice!



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