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Why Am I Jealous?

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OK, so this story starts in June. A good friend of mine started talking to me more, hanging out with me more,...etc. I was told by a few of my friends that she ad a crush on me. So, we got to talking, and went out for a few weeks until mid July. It was going pretty well. Then, I had to leave the US for a month. The first two weeks were great. We would e-mail each other and everything, and it was just peachy.


But, for the second half of my time abroad, she started talking to me less, and I could tell that she wasn't all that interested. The week I got back, she told me that she didn't think we should continue seeing each other again.


A couple weeks later, she ends up oging out with my best friend, and now we (my best friend and I) don't really talk that much, cuz she's with him al the time. Now, I'm in a tough spot because I don't really want to deal with her, but I have to. So I guess to compensate, I've just been acting like an ass around them for the last month of so. I don't know why though.


It's like I lost my best friend to (I guess a fairly slutty) girl and I can't really do anything about it. Is there anything I shoudl do. Shoudl I just try and stop associating with them? I'm not entirely sure.

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Wow thats a tuffy ! :( I guess if I was in your shoes I would be really upset to. I think its time to sit down with yourself, and do some thinking. Sure that was wrong on your friends behalf I think because it seems he didnt think how this would affect you two.


I dont think you should let some girl come between you two. Woman(men) tend to come and go, some stay longer than others. Im sure youve seen your friend go thru many different relationships, and i think its important to remain there for him. thats so much easier said than done...


would it be easier to tell him how you feel? I know guys have a hard time talking about their feelings to eachother :p talking to him about it can only go two ways tho good or bad...


You probly act like an ass around them because its awkward and hurtful... how else could one act ??


anyways, my advice would be if you guys are best friends then you should hold on to that, good friends are hard to find. Tho you have to ask yourself: is he a true friend?

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I'm sorry you have to go through that. depends on what you want.


i would probably ignore the girl. karma. what goes around comes around. :)


as far as your best friend goes.. be the good guy. let go of any negative feeling. call here and there. i wouldn't want to hang around them either b/c it'll hurt you. just give it a few more days, weeks, months, or so... he'll come around. :)

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