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I need some help?


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I have been talking to this dude for about 2and1/2 years and recently we broke up but thats not what i'm mad about the thing is we ended up being together last friday night it was great. And then come to find out this week that he is supposed to be talking to this other female and he asked here out to this ball we are having at school. I wouldn't have been to mad but the thing is me and the girl are friends. I could careless about him talking to another female cause its his loss but I am really hurt by this on the inside and it is really eating me up inside. I felt really bad when I heard this and I just wanted to cry but i try to hold it in every day but it is getting to the point to where i just want to break down and cry. I don't know what to do cause i really love him but i feel like all he did to me but used me for was booty calls but i know if he calls me i'll go running back but i really need help. Somebody Please Tell Me what i should do.



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dear confused...


I kinda know what you are going through, that's why I'm gonna give you a little advice, in the hope to help you out. first of all there's nothing wrong with crying: it's just a natural way to express your sedness and disillusion. in second place I think you should really TALK with that guy, asking him why he acted in that way and pointing out to him that you feel used. honesty will help you a lot. he could understand his mistake and beg for your forgivness. OR you could realize he's not worth all your pain. as for your so called friend... well I would talk with her too, trying to find out if your friendship means something to her. clearness will surely make you feel better, I swear it. let me know if that helped.



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Dear Confused,


I understand what you are feeling and I completely sympathize. A similar thing happened to me, but it was my boyfriend and my best friend.


The thing you have to do now is take care of yourself. It is OK to cry. You should...it's a natural expression of your feelings, and a healthy outlet. Talk to people about how you feel. This will help you sort through your own feelings of loss and betrayal. You can write letters to the parties involved. You don't have to send them, but writing your feelings down on paper will also help you sort through them.


The pain is very keen right now, I know. But with time and careful consideration, you will heal and be a stronger person for it.


"Everything can be taken away from man but one thing - to


choose one's attitude in a given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."


-Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search for Meaning"


Choose to let this make you stronger, not bitter.


Good luck. :)

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