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And your thoughts are.....Do I deserve it?

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I have been dating my boyfriend for about a year. When I first layed eyes on him, I was in love. I instantly fell in love with him. And as far as I know it was the same for him. Only after dating for like 3 months I was having problems and moved in with him at his parents house. Everything was great except for the occasional online dating, emailing, and sex chats I was finding him on. Then about 8 months into it I started lying and doing things wrong toward him. Like drinking and lying about it, lying about doing drugs and so on. Just things that I dont do and wouldnt normally do. So he would forgive me and I would do it again and he would forgive me again. Finally, I moved out and things were really bad. While we were broken up I was "secretly" talking to his brother (whose is married) and actually kissed him twice. And my boyfriend found out and all hell broke loose. And things just got worse. When we were breaking up on and off I confided that he slept with 2 girls. I was heart broken. Basically, I have always had to deal with these online emails, ex girlfriends that he still talked to, old flings that called him once in awhile, and so on. Not too mention I am insanely jealous and self concious. We are trying to work things out but I just cant get over the feeling that he is still not being just about me. I mean I have done my share of crap. Really ****ty things too. And he was good enough to give me this last chance. I love him to death. I love him with all my heart. I want things to work out so very badly. How do I earn his trust and inturn trust him? With out always nagging him and bitching and questioning? I mean if he is doing something wrong I will find out. Do I deserve it? I really regret everything and I want to show him how sorry I am for all the trouble and that I want to be here forever.

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You both sound very immature and need to grow up. Two wrongs do not make a right.


You played games, made dumb choices, as did he.


Personally I don't think either of you are able to trust eachother, unless you're both willing to go to couples therapy.


Everything was great except for the occasional online dating, emailing, and sex chats I was finding him on. Then about 8 months into it I started lying and doing things wrong toward him. Like drinking and lying about it, lying about doing drugs and so on. Just things that I dont do and wouldnt normally do. So he would forgive me and I would do it again and he would forgive me again.


Next time you're in a relationship and things aren't going well, TALK about it, fix it, instead of going off and doing stuff that you know is wrong!

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there is so much crazyness in this relationship that I can't really say this is going to last. you guys are teeter tottering the boundaries of your relationship. you kissed his married brother? does the brothers wife know about this?! thats just insane. really if you want to be a terrible person and cheat, don't go for your boyfriends relatives or best friends.. that screws him over TWICE.

i know you wont do this.. but i'm serious when i say you need to.. BREAK UP WITH HIM!!! this relationship is not worth picking up the pieces for. you will not learn to trust him and neither will he. because you guys both cheated on eachother. or was it just you? and he slept with two girls why you guys were on again off again? blah i don't even know.

but honestly, HONESTLY, if a guy is IN LOVE WITH YOU like you think he is, he wouldn't be online chatting with other women looking for attention there. he wouldn't accept old flings calling him because they were exactly what their name is OLD FLINGS. not old best friends or even old exgfs , old **** buddies.



i could be out of line.. but i don't think you two are good for eachother. especially if you want this to be a serious relationship, its better to be with someone who doesn't do all this and who YOU don't have sexual relations with their family. thats a big red flag.

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i could be out of line.. but i don't think you two are good for eachother. especially if you want this to be a serious relationship, its better to be with someone who doesn't do all this and who YOU don't have sexual relations with their family. thats a big red flag.


On that note, neither of them are ready to be in any relationship beyond a one night stand. You have to learn to be at least somewhat mature before you can have anything that resembles a relationship. Hell. 2 mature people often have lots of problems with relationships.

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You both sound very immature and need to grow up. Two wrongs do not make a right.


You played games, made dumb choices, as did he.


Personally I don't think either of you are able to trust eachother, unless you're both willing to go to couples therapy.




Next time you're in a relationship and things aren't going well, TALK about it, fix it, instead of going off and doing stuff that you know is wrong!


I agree...

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