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Explain this....

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My ex-husband recently told a mutual friend that when he was married, all kinds of women were throwing themselves at him, but that now he is divorced and free to screw whomever he chooses, he has difficulty getting them into bed. Why would women be more likely to sleep with a married man than one who is unattached?

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Wow, how aggrevating -.-


seems woman always want what isn't there. I think it's like what they guy above me said: it's a challenge. A lot of people enjoy affairs, as if it's a fetish or something... I think with some woman its the whole issue of maybe proving to themselves they are "better" than the other woman? Which really isnt the case..but to be truthful with you I dont think there is a real reason for this other than the fact that mostwoman are scandolous.

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I think that's just it...."there are no attachments!!" So, a girl doesn't feel pressured to stay if things don't work out. Also, the excitement of not getting caught....it's a rush.

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I think its a little bit of everything mentioned here, plus the fact that a married man displays base qualities women are always searching for: ie stability, commitment-basically all of those things that some women are constantly searching for.


It is selfishness and laziness. They are too lazy to go out and make their own life happen, and instead steal someone elses.

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I think its a little bit of everything mentioned here, plus the fact that a married man displays base qualities women are always searching for: ie stability, commitment-basically all of those things that some women are constantly searching for.


It is selfishness and laziness. They are too lazy to go out and make their own life happen, and instead steal someone elses.



And a man with a brain that is not just going to use that woman that throws herself at him will look at such woman as having lesser qualities....... basically she is beneath him and she does not deserve any of his attentions.


If I threw myself at a married man and he took me up on it, I would instantly know he was not of good character and not want him any longer. :lmao:

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but that now he is divorced and free to screw whomever he chooses, he has difficulty getting them into bed.


Because some women tend to instinctually think: "whats wrong with him that his marriage failed and he couldnt make it work?"


Instinctually, women view men as the stronger and tend to see the divorce as something he didnt do right, therefore he has defective qualities.

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And a man with a brain that is not just going to use that woman that throws herself at him will look at such woman as having lesser qualities....... basically she is beneath him and she does not deserve any of his attentions.


If I threw myself at a married man and he took me up on it, I would instantly know he was not of good character and not want him any longer. :lmao:


:lmao: :lmao: Right of course, this all goes without saying.

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Uh, how is he so sure these women were throwing themselves at him? I think he may have had the big head just a bit there.


Also, it's entirely possible that he's creepy. He's out to "screw whoever he wants" and so he's got the lizard vibe working and that is a MAJOR turn off.


There are men who think that if a woman is polite to them or says "Excuse me" she wants them. I'm guessing that's this guy.

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