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Business Degree: CD, IB, HRM...

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Business Degree Any Good? - That is the question.


I'm currently wondering, if business degrees are just a dime a dozen.


What type of work can one expect with a Commerce Degree/International Business/HR Management?


Is it possible for a person to make between $40 000 and $60 000 a year with a business degree?


I hear, HR Management is on the rise. Is HR Management a good field, or just bullcr*p?


Thoughts/Ideas/Opinions are welcome.

Thank You.


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Having been in HR I can say it's not crap, but its not easy either, and not for those who are overly sensitive or wear their emotions on their sleeves.


Salary - well, it depends on where you live. What I make where I live would not support me at all in other cities like New York, or San Francisco, but in other parts of the country my income would be very high and in the same position I could expect to make a lot less than I do to live at the same standard.


General Business degrees are good stepping stones - sometimes, but unless you specialize in an industry, it's not going to be the same from place to place. A former manager of mine with a business degree in finance was put into a management position for a department that she knew nothing about. She got the job just because she had a degree. She was in that position for a little over a year before being demoted and placed back into an accounting position.


You gotta look at specific positions and industries to decide what degree would work best for you. If that manager I mentioned had tried to learn her new field - taken a few courses, listened to those of us who actually did the work - she might have been fine. But she thought that just because she had a degree she could be a manager in any department and one reason she thought that is because the company thought that too. They hire by degrees - which is not good business!

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