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Online Relationship

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Hi there. I have been dating this guy over the internet for almost a year now and we were so close but latley i feel like hes pulling away from me. We call and talk to each other all the time but latley he hasnt had much time for me. I wait for him all the time and he never lets me know when he has something else to do i need some advice. Ive told him many times it bothers me and he says hes sorry and will tell me from now on but I catch him in so many lies they arent big but still lies and he wont confess. I love him with all my heart but I dont know where to go from here

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I don't know if I'm qualified to say this or not as I've never been in a relationship, but I'm against online dating. I seriously think it's a dumb idea. You've never seen the person before except with pictures and maybe a webcam, yet you devote your life to them? Something doesn't click. You also can't communicate directly with them, which is a major problem, like the one you're experiencing now. My advice is to terminate all existence with this dude and find someone who you can talk to in person, because when people meet, a lot of times it's a disappointment to the person they thought they were. I seriously don't know what else to say. This guy might be purposefully avoiding you because he's found a girl in his life and he doesn't want to break your heart, don't know. Sorry my comments can't be what you wanted, but that's my honest opinion on this situation.

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You really don't know him that well. Only online and on the phone. That's not a 'real life' relationship, it's more or less based on fantasy and what you 'want' the other person to be like...


Chances are, this guy is married and has children. Maybe he doesn't, but the way he's treating you isn't cool. Your gut knows something isn't right, he's been lying to you and it's making you not trust him.


Have you two ever hooked up in person? Do you live near eachother? If not, I don't see the point in staying intouch with someone who isn't really available to you long term.


Seems he calls the shots and you wait...And wait, and wait...While he's out there living life (or chatting it up with other girls online, you really don't know for sure) and you're wasting yours for him.


Just ignore him for a while, see what happens. You go out with your friends and have some fun.

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