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Crazy B!tch?

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This is my first time posting. My boyfriend and I have been together for six years now. we are both 21 years old. During these six years i have found him to be talking to other girls behind my back, but not just talking. sexually, or telling them he loves them, the girl calling him telling him that she loves him..blah blah blah. Even going as far as buying one of these certain girls a gift. I believe he craves attention, and enjoys the feeling of being the center of an interest. Anywho, not to long ago i confronted him with something i had found...well, i had snooped. invaded his privacy..i checked his voicemail...i guess i condoned this due to the fact i bought the phone, and i pay the bill. Nevertheless, it still isnt right. Anyway, i found some vm from a girl who just so happens to live in another state..and just so happens to be a minor. 16 yrs old. She was bitching him out about something...and then calling back and leaving more msgs, begging for forgiveness for being "mad" yadda yadda yadda. She claimed she loved him so much, and all that bs. Well, it has been over 6 mo now..and i believe i am finally getting over that. i think i am being desensitised to these sort of things. Anyway, to get to my current situation. He told me he is going to homecoming with a friend..and we arent talking college homecoming...highschool homecoming. i was pissed. he claims to be good friends with this girl. same ***** diff day excuse he has used on every girl..even when he has been caught with his pants down. anyway, the damn girl is only 17 years old..and mind you, he never went to homecoming with me during hs, because he wasnt "into" those things..so, i never went to any formals...and going with another guy just seemed out of the question. In addition, every guy friend i ever had, he made it seem like i had bad taste in guy friends calling them "gay" as in losers...anyway, he is telling me that i am a crazy jealous ass girlfriend. Am i wrong for feeling this way? i just dont know what to feel. everytime i tell him calmly that something bothers me, he says im jealous, and im a "damn baby" he never reassures me...never. am i really crazy and jealous?

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...am i really crazy and jealous?


Crazy? I wouldn't put it past you. But in this case I think your feelings seem pretty sane.


Jealous? On the one hand, I think you should be because your boyfriend is messing around with other girls. On the other hand, I think you shouldn't be because I can't see why you think being with him is a good idea at all. I think you should encourage him to go to homecoming with that girl and never come back.

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Why are you with a guy who cheats on you? You're so young and seeing as you've been together since you were about 15, maybe it's time to take a break, end it with him, find yourself and be on your own for a while. Or atleast go date other guys and see what else is out there.

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You are not crazy and/or jealous.


The fact that you have been going out with him for six years, has illusioned your entire reality.


What you are currently experiencing is tough to decipher in your mind, given you don't have much to contrast and compare it to any previous substantial relationships.


I suggest you let go of, this guy -as soon as possible. Confront him about his disgusting attitude, and calmly break up. Closure [or not]. Good Luck.



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