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Can't Get Past Just Friends

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Hey I am an 18 year old male in college at the moment. Since the beginning of college, I have been making friends with many people, guys and girls. However, I am attracted to some of the girls that I am friends with, but it seems like I can't get past the whole just being friends thing. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to take it to the next level. Thanks!

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Put on your Don Juan look and just ask them out. If they agree to dinner and a movie, your on your way. If they blow you off, then you have your answer.


Simple as that!

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hey yea I am a female....


You should definately try and start a topic on what they want..like at the right time ask them if they are dating or they are just trying to be single and if they say single then ask why. This way you dont think that they are just trying to blow you off..and also you will learn more about the girl and she will feel more comfortable around you...

Hope I helped atleast a little.



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