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My ex dumped me a few months ago and I went through act of trying to get her back and everything. I finally went with basic no contact because I did not want to keep opening wounds that werent healed. Lately she has been contacting me a lot more lately. She tells me how confused she is and things like this. She also says how she can see us getting married one day and all kinds of things like that. The problem is she has a bf. I really do still care about her but I am conflicted because I am really upset about what she did to me so I wonder how I could ever get into a relationship with her again if that time were to come. Other days I feel I should just get on with it and cut contact with her because of the shady things she pulled on me. I just wonder why someone would keep contacting someone acting like they really want you when she has a bf. Any advice for those of you that have gone through things like this would be great. Thanks

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She is a selfish and inconsiderate girl who wants you, and the freedom to pursue someone else too. She is holding on to you in case her B/F doesnt' work out. At best, she's extremely confused.


Drop her like a hot potato, or risk even more pain. These kind of women are really bad news.



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