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Broken Heart

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Hi I was just wondering how you get over a broken heart. My wife of 10 years deceided she wants to be out of the marriage to follow her 'spirituality' and meet others. I am broken-hearted. IF I say so myself I have always tried to do the right thing and been supportive of a course of action that has ultimately lead to our seperation.

She left over a year ago and is now starting to play hard-ball re the divorce settlement. I am mid-way through my life, I have no kids or famil and really feel alone. I have friends but they are all happily married. I have a good job and keep myself fit etc but I just feel so broken and abandoned.

How do you get yourself back on track? I feel so sad most of the time. I still love her.



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I tell ya, It's always those "spiritual ones"!

Apparently she has moved on, and so should YOU. Seek some professional counseling and join a support group. Do some networking, attend a social gathering, so you can meet new people (since you have no family).

Good Luck!

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