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What is therapy like?

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This wednesday I sit on the couch and I am actually nervous about it. I know I have to be honest about my issues but it is going to feel weird. Can anybody else tell me their exeriences?

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I went and saw a counceller. I just spoke to her about my issues, and she mainly listened and asked questions.


It's not really clinical or anything either, she was a nice friendly person, and I felt perfectly comfortable with it all.


I'm not sure if it'd be pretty much the same with a psychologist or psychiartrist though.

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This wednesday I sit on the couch and I am actually nervous about it. I know I have to be honest about my issues but it is going to feel weird. Can anybody else tell me their exeriences?



Don't worry about it. If you make good use of the therapy sessions, they could be the greatest experience in your entire life! The counsellors are well trained to make sure you're comfortable. Otherwise, the sessions will do you no good at all. Just be totally open and honest, don't hold anything back whatsoever...if you want to get the biggest bang for your buck.

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Can anybody else tell me their exeriences?


Well, you tell them what's going on with your life... And they nod their heads and say things like, that must have felt terrible, or something like that, and make sad faces like they give a sht.


Well, maybe they do, but is like, buy a friend type of thing. And of course they know when you are "avoiding" an issue, or were "affected" by something when you grew up etc, and they bring those things up.


But those are things that you can figure out by reading books.



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This wednesday I sit on the couch and I am actually nervous about it. I know I have to be honest about my issues but it is going to feel weird. Can anybody else tell me their exeriences?


Basically it's like this. What you put into therapy is what you get out of it. If you don't open up and talk, nothing will get solved. If you don't leave the therapists office feeling emotionally drained, or feeling good, or feeling bad, then it's not working. If you feel nothing, then therapy is a waste of your time and money.


Woggle, it's okay to be nervous about therapy, but don't let that fear scare you off. You know in your heart you're doing the right thing, and talking about your issues will only make you a stronger person, make you feel happier and also your marriage will benefit from this as well.


Therapy IS weird, though it is so helpful! Think of it as someone who isn't going to judge you, make you feel bad, or guilty for what you tell them. They are there to help you, bottom line.

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Therapy IS weird, though it is so helpful!

So...are you still walking on your hands, or have you talked that one out of your system? I guess it's not really so much of a problem - unless you like wearing skirts.

Think of it as someone who isn't going to judge you, make you feel bad, or guilty for what you tell them.

That sounds just like my mother...NOT!!!! Haha.

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So...are you still walking on your hands, or have you talked that one out of your system? I guess it's not really so much of a problem - unless you like wearing skirts.


That sounds just like my mother...NOT!!!! Haha.


I haven't a clue wtf you're trying to say magichands, maybe therapy hasn't worked for you, but with me it has. Due to the anxiety disorder I have, it's so much more under control and if I hadn't chosen to deal with some of the issues in my life, I'd probably be alot worse off now.


People go to therapy for different reasons. In my experiences so far it's all been a positive thing.

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Due to the anxiety disorder I have, it's so much more under control and if I hadn't chosen to deal with some of the issues in my life, I'd probably be alot worse off now.

Happy to hear that! You're a survivor (and not just a LS survivor!).


And yeah, nobody understands me (that goes for me too).

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Basically it's like this. What you put into therapy is what you get out of it. If you don't open up and talk, nothing will get solved.


I agree with the point that how a person approaches it really does sway the likelihood of progress being made.


Given that so many people have an interest in psychology, I think people sometimes go into counselling with an underlying aim of getting into a knowledge competition with the professional - then come out feeling disillusioned by the process. A good counsellor can probably put their own ego needs aside sufficiently to manage that competitive thing, but I suppose it makes the overall process more time-consuming (and, therefore, more expensive for the client).


Ariadne made the point about some counsellors simply nodding, reflecting and relating. I suppose that approach has a place in building up rapport between the therapist and the client, but it maybe doesn't make things feel very focused or progressive. I remember you saying, WWIU, that you had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. That's an approach I've heard something about from a friend who practises in the area, and it sounds as though it provides far more scope for identifying obstructive beliefs and thinking habits that the client can work towards changing.


Good luck, Woggle. Let us know how it goes.

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Read "A Road Less Travelled" by M Scott Peck. It's in the library or any bookstore. Once you've decided to start the process, don't revisit the decision constantly. I tend to be a cynical person but found it helpful to just take the leap of faith that it's worth doing and go for it. It's helped me a great deal--I've worked through some stuff and achieved a level of financial security and job success as a result. I also feel good that I'm doing something to nkow myself better and to be more mature. Some things you can do by pulling yourself up by bootstraps but most real change isn't simply a matter of will. GOOD LUCK!

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