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More than friends?

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Hi! I need some opinions on my situation. Here goes:


I have a friend that I've known for a long time. I went to high school with him. He moved to Florida where he finished high school. Fast forward to 9 years later. I received an email in early August from him saying that he'd moved back to the area. We corresponded a few times and he kept saying that we should go out and catch up on old times.


We met one Saturday in early August. We went to a movie and out to eat. We spent time catching up and had a blast. On the way home, we were talking and he asked, "You did know that I had a crush on you in high school, right?" Stupid me, had no clue! He said he was too shy to ask me out and didn't think I would go out with him because he's younger. That night we talked about past relationships and how we've both been cheated on and the fact that it's harder to trust now. He was married to someone he met in high school. He was in the Marines and was shipped to Iraq twice. On one of those deployments, she cheated on him. She ended the relationship when he came back. After that he had a girlfriend that cheated on him and she lied about it. He broke up with her a few months ago.


Now, it brings me to the current situation. Things between us have led to holding hands, kissing, and even sex. I've noticed more than once that he seems to take a step forward then takes two steps back. The other night he called and asked me to come over. (I hadn't talked to him for two weeks prior to that. I'd left a few voicemails during that time but he never responded.) I asked him why I should. His response, "I'm sorry for being distant. I've had girls that have wanted to go out with me, but all I could think about was you. I really like you and it scares me."


Now I am sure he'll take two steps back and push me away again. What can I do to show him that I'm there for him and have no intentions of hurting him?

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I think he is a player.Im a guy I would know. Sounds like he is seeing somone else and you are on the side. When a guy doesnt know for sure if he has the one that he truly wants he will find a back up plan. I have done that a few times. How old is this guy by the way?

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