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You figure her out....

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So a long time, long distance friend of mine (once dated) is now three months off her divorce. She told me during the divorce, that the friendship was over... she no longer wanted it. This is a girl who confessed her 'romantic' feelings for me a million times over during her several seperations... never in physical contact with me, only over the phone. We recently started talking again, I initiated the contact after several failed attempts. Emails turned quickly to phonecalls.... hour long conversations. A little over a week ago, I told her that it was hard for me to talk with her and continue talking to her seeing as though I still have feelings for her, more then friendship feelings. SHe knew it, and played it off like she didn't know. She thanked me for my honesty and said she was at a loss for words. Keep in mind, this has been an off and on ' phone/email thing' for years... even during her problem periods with her ex husband. She hung up the phone. Three days later she asked if she could call me... we talked and she said that even though it was hard for me to talk to her, that she was quite comfortable talking to me and wondered if it was ok that we spoke. We spoke for awhile, keep the conversation light. Then she disappeared again for days. I sent a text saying hello and she called... we talked for hours... laughing, giggling, being serious... we talked about everything and anything that had to do with our past history and her 'once' feelings for me as well as my current feelings for her. She claimed to no longer have any feelings for me, but stayed on the phone for at least three hours. She also mentioned that she wants to meet my family... especially my parents since she has never met them. She mentioned she wanted me to go to an amusement park with her. She asked alot of questions and accused me of not pursuing her strong enough when I had the chance years ago. No trips were finalized, and no real feelings were admitted on her part other then her feelings were 'gone' ... we said goodbye as usual... haven't heard from her in two days.

What gives? She playing games? Have feelings? Have feelings, afraid to admit them?

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