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I got kicked out....

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So if you haven't heard my story already. Here is it:

I moved in with three other people within 6 months i was dating a guy I lived with. We lived with his brother and his brother's fiance. The fiance had a tight grip on my boyfriend. Said he was her best friend and I took him away. She said she missed him putting her arm around him and him flirting with her. Blah blah blah. One day after a kind of crappy vacation she started yelling at us told me to **** off because we had plans to go on vacation a couple weeks after that and she told us (my boyfriend and I) we couldn't go and we were cold hearted for thinking we could. Because her fiance my boyfriends brother might ....might not be able to go. Then it went from there. She was rude and difficult. I knew these were my boyfriends only friends so I tried to make the effort and invited them to trips with me and my friends, made double dates with them. But it was never good enough. Last week she told me I wasn't being her friend anymore and wanted to know why? Yes I admit that I put distance between her and I but that was because she is difficult and I was going crazy playing tug of war. She thought that my boyfriend should break plans with me to hang out with her or something because everytime we did something without her she would pick a fight with him. He would always go with me, but it put a strain on us all. I couldn't take it. So when she picked her last fight with him and then turned it around on me saying I wasn't being her friend and that she is trying I was over it. I didn't back down. I didn't make nice. I just said whatever. I didn't fight but I didn't agree or appologize for something I didn't do like she always tries to minpulate people to do.


She called me and started yelling saying she was sick of this. And I was like you are? She said her and I couldnt' live together anymore that I needed to leave she needed to kick me out. She said she had to go to lunch, and would call me back. She never called me back. I figured after 2 hours she decided to go with kicking me out. I went home got most of my **** and left. My boyfriend and I are good. He agrees I needed to leave and he would do the same thing in my situation.


Now she wrote me saying she wishes she just would have held every emotion and feeling inside so my boyfriend could be happy and me too. She said she isn't selfish or malicous. She said she wish she had handled it better but its not all her fault.


I wrote her back saying I reacted to her and thats abotu what I did to make the matter worse. If someone is always up your ass and picking fights with you and your boyfriend and then in the end realizing she is being dumb and turns them around on me I'm not going to be happy I'm going to leave and its not my fault. I reacted to the situation I was in. I think anyone would do the same. I was living with her she was making me and my boyfriend miserable by always being upset when we would go on a date or go on a trip with my friends or even go babysit for a friend of mine. I had, had enough. So when I wrote her back I told her that we can be civil since we date brothers but being best buds was not in the cards.


Now she is taking a ticket he and she bought me and said I can't go because I didn't appologize to her. She is making my boyfriend miserable which in turns makes me miserable.


I think if she was his true friend she would stop and think and say ok...I started this whole thing...I don't really want to be her friend but she is dating a friend and brother in law to be of mine I should just stop.


After all she has started caused and done I don't expect an appology from her. She appologized in her way saying she was sorry she didn't keep it all in. Poor poor her. She should have been miserable for us. I would never say that. But at least let us be happy and stop being so jealous and letting it ruin our relationships.


She even admited to me she was jealous because we have love passion and intmacy. And her and the other brother aren't that great.


Any wise words to make me smile or feel good. I hate that my boyfriend is so unhappy, I hate that she is making life so hard, I hate that she excepts me to appologize when I said hey lets just be cool? And that wasn't good enough for her.

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So if you haven't heard my story already. Here is it:

I moved in with three other people within 6 months i was dating a guy I lived with. We lived with his brother and his brother's fiance. The fiance had a tight grip on my boyfriend. Said he was her best friend and I took him away. She said she missed him putting her arm around him and him flirting with her. Blah blah blah. One day after a kind of crappy vacation she started yelling at us told me to **** off because we had plans to go on vacation a couple weeks after that and she told us (my boyfriend and I) we couldn't go and we were cold hearted for thinking we could. Because her fiance my boyfriends brother might ....might not be able to go. Then it went from there. She was rude and difficult. I knew these were my boyfriends only friends so I tried to make the effort and invited them to trips with me and my friends, made double dates with them. But it was never good enough. Last week she told me I wasn't being her friend anymore and wanted to know why? Yes I admit that I put distance between her and I but that was because she is difficult and I was going crazy playing tug of war. She thought that my boyfriend should break plans with me to hang out with her or something because everytime we did something without her she would pick a fight with him. He would always go with me, but it put a strain on us all. I couldn't take it. So when she picked her last fight with him and then turned it around on me saying I wasn't being her friend and that she is trying I was over it. I didn't back down. I didn't make nice. I just said whatever. I didn't fight but I didn't agree or appologize for something I didn't do like she always tries to minpulate people to do.


She called me and started yelling saying she was sick of this. And I was like you are? She said her and I couldnt' live together anymore that I needed to leave she needed to kick me out. She said she had to go to lunch, and would call me back. She never called me back. I figured after 2 hours she decided to go with kicking me out. I went home got most of my **** and left. My boyfriend and I are good. He agrees I needed to leave and he would do the same thing in my situation.


Now she wrote me saying she wishes she just would have held every emotion and feeling inside so my boyfriend could be happy and me too. She said she isn't selfish or malicous. She said she wish she had handled it better but its not all her fault.


I wrote her back saying I reacted to her and thats abotu what I did to make the matter worse. If someone is always up your ass and picking fights with you and your boyfriend and then in the end realizing she is being dumb and turns them around on me I'm not going to be happy I'm going to leave and its not my fault. I reacted to the situation I was in. I think anyone would do the same. I was living with her she was making me and my boyfriend miserable by always being upset when we would go on a date or go on a trip with my friends or even go babysit for a friend of mine. I had, had enough. So when I wrote her back I told her that we can be civil since we date brothers but being best buds was not in the cards.


Now she is taking a ticket he and she bought me and said I can't go because I didn't appologize to her. She is making my boyfriend miserable which in turns makes me miserable.


I think if she was his true friend she would stop and think and say ok...I started this whole thing...I don't really want to be her friend but she is dating a friend and brother in law to be of mine I should just stop.


After all she has started caused and done I don't expect an appology from her. She appologized in her way saying she was sorry she didn't keep it all in. Poor poor her. She should have been miserable for us. I would never say that. But at least let us be happy and stop being so jealous and letting it ruin our relationships.


She even admited to me she was jealous because we have love passion and intmacy. And her and the other brother aren't that great.


Any wise words to make me smile or feel good. I hate that my boyfriend is so unhappy, I hate that she is making life so hard, I hate that she excepts me to appologize when I said hey lets just be cool? And that wasn't good enough for her.



Your boyfriend should have stuck up for you more and left as well! Sounds like this crazy NUT is using her fiance to get to his brother!! That might be possible! Plus, why is she having the power to control the entire household and have everyone at her whim?

Regardless, she seems jealous of you. And the only reason that could be true is if she has feelings for your boyfriend.

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