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Should I take a shot at it and risk losing her friendship?

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Alright folks I'd thought I'd put down a little update...even tho I don't think a lot of progress (if any) has been made.


Call me a sucker, punk, tool...whatever u wanna say, but I still felt there was a chance for us so I decided to keep casually hanging out. I couldn't get it out of my head that she said he liked me that night we talked on the phone. I mean if she mentioned that she would rather be just friends, she wasn't interested etc. then I wouldn't have wasted my time. But there was just a small part of me which thought there was hope. Dumb I know, but I digress.


It was me, this girl, three co-workers (girls) and this guy who she is good friends with - who I also have gotten to kno. Anyways at the club there were a lot ppl from my old high school and sports teams whom I recognized so a lot of the time was just catchin up with old buds. I made sure not to cling to her at all or act like I didn't have anything else to do besides hang by her. There was this older guy hitting on on her tho (she was very drunk btw), but he was a lot older than her and he wasn't good looking IMO so I didn't feel threatened. Strangely enough, they were talking a lot of the night and he bought her a few drinks. Keep in mind this girl is very affectionate, especially when drunk. They didn't hook up at all as she wasn't the least bit interested and she was clearly just stringing him along for drinks and what have you.


So later on after the club was kinda dying down...all of us were just sitting at the table enjoying the music/talking. She sat right next to me and was holding on to me, snuggling close etc. She was nibbling on my ear, and i kissed her a few times on the cheek and we kissed on the lips once. Keep in mind i'm pretty sure all 3 of the co-workers are watching us at this time, i'm not sure how much they know about what is going on between us (or lack thereof). I kind of tried to kiss her on the lips a couple more times since our faces were practically touching but she 'kind' of pulled away a little bit. It's not like she reeled her head back in fright, but I just got the impression she was avoiding a full on makeout - perhaps because all of our co-workers were just watching us or more likely she just wasn't into it. Then we all decided to go to another bar cause this one was closing.


I went to play some pool while she was dancing, and at the end of the night before closing I saw her in a chair by herself like she was thinking or something. I stood kind of beside her while she was in the chair, and she looked up at me. We were just gazing at each other for like 10 seconds...it was very strange. She had like this sad/longing expression in her eyes and I'm sure I had the same. She tried to put her arm around my thigh and snuggle with me again. So a few minutes later we're holding each other very close and we kissed each other a little bit...but it was all kinda BS kissing if u know what i mean. Kissing on the neck, little smooches on the lips...that kinda thing. Finally I just faced her...and went for the kiss - but wait she pulled away! I was like "What's wrong? You don't want to kiss me do you? :)" and she was just kind of smiling/drunkified. I pretty much ignored all attempts of her affection the rest of the night as I took the hint that even though we had been messing around for a lot of the night, when it came down to something actually meaningful (a real kiss) she didn't seem interested.


Then later on in the car was i was getting dropped off...she was in the front seat and I hugged everyone before I got out. She wanted me to get out of the car and go around to her side to hug her properly or something, but I couldn't be bothered so I quickly hugged everyone inside the car. I guess she didn't like that or something cause she said "that was lame..." in a disappointed tone. Not a good way to end the nite i guess...but I mean when she won't kiss me for real what is a guy to think.


But anyways...I have no clue what's going on but I think we might be history. I mean...she was DRUNK but when I went for a real kiss she backed off. The only possible explanation other than the obvious answer that she just wants to be friends, is that she has feelings for me but is very nervous and is still afraid to lose the friendship etc. Although not necessarily a far fetched explanation, even I can admit that there are other more likely options. I really want to call her tomorrow afternoon and talk about the night...but I'm not sure if that's a good move or not - nor do I really even kno what to say.

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Is she a virgin?

I was friends with this hot girl for over 3 years. One day a light bulb turn on in my head, I was attracted to her more than friends.

Long story short, she ran, and I did not pursue her. We work for same company, 1 year later I bump into her and she smiles.


I don't waste my time to rekindle that friendship we used to have. My believe was solid friendship was good ground for romantic building, I guess I am wrong.


my new approach

1-Want a friend, get a dog. Being friends with a girl has the only benefit of meeting her other girlfriends

2-When I meet a girl, yes the casual friend thing but short, then we date

3-See if we are compatible in bed

4-Build a strong friendship

5-Hope that this approach will find me a life partner

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Probably the last and final update: Last month and a half or so our hanging out cut down dramatically...I was trying to distance myself because I figured it wasn't going anywhere. We saw each other sporadically at work, and occasionally hanging out with friends.


But tonight I just found out she got a BF. Hurts like hell.

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But tonight I just found out she got a BF. Hurts like hell.

I'm really sorry.


At least you picked a good user name. And please don't turn to drugs. Unless you have some handy, in which case it couldn't hurt.

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