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I've been talking to this girl in my science class she's two years older than me and a junior(I'm a sophmore). We worked on a project together and exchanged numbers, she seems interested and we didn't manage to get anything done haha. The only thing is the the age difference, I'm only 14 and haven't really dated much, whereas she is obviously older and more experienced. Also what about dating and things like that where she can drive but I can't? The whole situation is somewhat awkward I considered asking her to homecoming any advice?




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Just play it by ear. She obviously knows how old you are so if she's willing to accept that then both of you can work around your inability to drive and your inexperience in dating. She might be just the one to teach you a few things. You ought to ask her to do some things with you...and don't be shy about telling her about limitations such as hours you can be away, that you don't have a car, etc. Just be honest with her. She will understand.

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I know that much, but how can I propose doing things together or whatever. It seems odd asking her to pick me up or worse yet having my parrents drive. I guess that might be okay but seems really wierd because the typical situation would be the guy drives and whatever else. Another thing is my parrents are total losers and want to meet anyone before I go out with them.

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I know what ye mean mate, I'm not a ladies man, Well actually thats not true i'm just an intrivert tis all.


Any way, It was a while back when I went to this weekend youth thing. One of my sisters friends seemed troubled, she was perky as around her friends.


Any way I walked outside with her (at night, IN The Dark) , and we talked for 40 odd minutes. I didn't touch her or try to flirt with her or anything, so I was respectful as I always am.


Any way throughout the rest of the weekend we were always together laughing, and flirting with each other.


It didn't quite work out, she was 3 years older than me, but we got along really well. I don't really think age will be a big problem (Especially in highschool).


As for your parents I wouldn't worry just say after she has met them, something like;


My parents can be a bit odd sometimes, but you know how parents are.


This is also the grounds for a conversation.


you rock mate,


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