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how to attract a guy!!!!

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i am just fallling in love with a guy.

we've known for 6 months, and I never liked him. ever!!!!

actually he's a little odd person.

he never says hello to strangers, even we have knnown for 3months, he just passed me by. and ignored what i said to him.

at first I was very pissed about his attitude, about ignoring me.

so I told him about it, at a party, and he laughed about it, and we became a friend, sort of. that was like 2 weeks ago.

and after that we had little conversation, when we came across at school or at the party.

the problem is last week, he was in my dream. for straight three days!!!!!

he was so warm and nice to me in my dream. and after i woke up, I cant get him off my mind!!!!

my friedns tell me he's not a man for me, but i start to like that guy.

and i dont want to be hurt again. i am a kind of girl who afraid to be turned down.

how can i make him like him?

he likes party, drinks, and friends. and he's not a flirting kind of guy.


oh, and just FYI, i am 24 and he's 30.

we both are grad students.


need your advice desperately.

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i am just fallling in love with a guy.

we've known for 6 months, and I never liked him. ever!!!!

actually he's a little odd person.

he never says hello to strangers, even we have knnown for 3months, he just passed me by. and ignored what i said to him.

at first I was very pissed about his attitude, about ignoring me.

so I told him about it, at a party, and he laughed about it, and we became a friend, sort of. that was like 2 weeks ago.

and after that we had little conversation, when we came across at school or at the party.

the problem is last week, he was in my dream. for straight three days!!!!!

he was so warm and nice to me in my dream. and after i woke up, I cant get him off my mind!!!!

my friedns tell me he's not a man for me, but i start to like that guy.

and i dont want to be hurt again. i am a kind of girl who afraid to be turned down.

how can i make him like him?

he likes party, drinks, and friends. and he's not a flirting kind of guy.


oh, and just FYI, i am 24 and he's 30.

we both are grad students.


need your advice desperately.


I do not get to participate in this section, but being you two grad students in the mid-20 to early-30 I feel I can not avoid showing empathy :)



I am a grad student too. In my experience, grad students (and more comonly men) tend to be very very conservatives when it comes to "free time" activities.


One thing you can do is to work hard (yes, ain't gonna be easy) to involve him in one of your activities (BTW: what are your recreational activities?) or start something new with him. It will not be easy, specially if he is highly structured (as many grad students) but it may work. If you can convince him to do something else with you instead of the "usual party"... say next friday/saturday, you may have a chance.


If he likes doing some stuff with you, he'll start trying to spend time with you... you'll know him better and will be able to tell if he is really the right guy for you....


just one more thing: I hope we do not have him posting here in one month complaining that a female friend friendzoned him. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG! Your story is so similar to mine! I am also a grad student! I have known this guy for a couple of years but I had no interest in him until lately when at a party we had a nice conversation and exchanged several glances. He too was playing "cool". His office is right across mine, and he used to say nothing (not even hi) when he came to his office and my door was wide open. I thought he was rude. But after that party he seems to show me more interest and make jokes etc.


What I have been trying to do is to create opportunities to talk with him. (I haven't been that lucky though!) So, what I would suggest is that you try to learn about his routine, like when does he come to school? Where does he take classes? Does he attend department socials? Try to be at the right place, at the right time. And make sure you have something to talk with him, that would avoid any awkward situations...


I keep my office door wide open when I know he is around. That helped at least once, he came in and started talking to my officemate and stayed in our office for longer than usual and we exchanged some looks and chatted a bit.


Good luck!

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