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Ok so ive been with this girl for 5 months now.. and we have a decent relationship. We both say we love eachother very muc, which i do. I had to leave for 1 month, out of the 5, and it was hard not seeing her for a whole month, but we got through it. The last couple weeks i was gone went downhill, and we started fighting alot on the phone. Mostly because she was hanging out with this one guy, for 4 days in a row. And she started liking him, which she told me after i got back, and he, obviously wanted her. She said she only started liking him b/c we were fighting alot, and he was being nice to her. Now, 3 months later, we have been in many fights about this 1 guy. I told her that she is NOT to talk to him, at all, no contact.


Is that not reasonable?? She said she liked him, WHILE we were going out. Anyway, it was going good, then she started back at school, and he ended up in one of her classes. She said "well i cant just NOT talk to him.. hes in my class" .. you know whatever.. ok thts fine. I find out again, that there txting each other.. and it just pisses me off. He's like trying to be her best friend, one of the txt messages was "i miss you" and we got in a fight about that. Because in my opinion that crosses the line. And she agreed. The next day is was "ill always be here for you" and i know its not a big deal but.. it makes me so angry and i just dont know what to do.


Shes just like.. "I didnt even do anything to make him say that" but i just tell her that... you know shes not doing anything at all.. like sticking up for herself and telling him that she actually cares about me. She just sits there and takes it.. and i cant understand why. I dont know its very complecated... thats just the "jist" of it all.


Can you give me some advice please? Should i just let her do whatever she wants even though its makes me soooo angry when she talks to him.. i really dont know what to think about it all.


If you dont understand/not enough information about the situation just ask, and ill explain it a little more.



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