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This may seem weird to ask but, how much should a girl shave down there? I have never been serious with a guy before and i have heard of girls removing all of it, or leaving just a landing strip, or leaving it all. What is most common?

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That's completely up to the individual. I prefer to be completely shaved but I do it for me.


Don't you worry about the fact that there could be a time you'd have to see a doctor and they'd see?

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Don't you worry about the fact that there could be a time you'd have to see a doctor and they'd see?


Um, no, WTF do I care what a doctor thinks about my genitals? Unless I'm hoping the doctor will sleep with me.


In any case -- OP -- IME pubic hair is a varied as the individual women who sport their bush (or lack thereof).


I prefer, personally, to shave just the lips, and to trim the rest of the bush so that it's close to the skin but not a complete buzz cut. I do this mainly because hair itches like mad when it grows back, and I don't particularly like walking round with my hand shoved down my pants scratching vigorously.


Experiment with different styles. See which one feels the best.

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Most common would be the 'landing strip'...!!


A thinish strip of hair down the middle. And trim the hair that's left with a beard trimmer or sissors, so that it's no longer than 1/2 an inch. :D

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I like this thread :)

Wonder why?:D

I do this mainly because hair itches like mad when it grows back, and I don't particularly like walking round with my hand shoved down my pants scratching vigorously.

(B_O, that image is going to be on my mind all afternoon!):lmao:

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Don't you worry about the fact that there could be a time you'd have to see a doctor and they'd see?


You know, it's funny you should mention this. Every year I go for a pap test and a month prior to my appointment I start letting my hair grow back. I have no idea why I do this but I do. Immediately after my test results come back as normal I shave it back off.


As for going to the doctor any other time, well, I'm in a sexless relationship and I practice excellent hygiene, so the chances of me having to have an unscheduled pelvic exam are slim.

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Don't you worry about the fact that there could be a time you'd have to see a doctor and they'd see?


doctors shave too !! it is a normal pratice of good hygeine

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I'm reminded of the joke about the Brazilian cleaner who vacuumed the carpet but always left a strip down the middle uncleaned.

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Um, no, WTF do I care what a doctor thinks about my genitals? Unless I'm hoping the doctor will sleep with me.


Um, right, okay, calm down.


I wasn't asking you anyway.


The fact is, if I was to always shave my pubes, and one day I had to see the doctor about a problem down there, I would feel very embarrassed about them seeing the fact that I shave my pubes, I mean, it's going to look a bit strange isn't it?


Or can you not comprehend that?

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The fact is, if I was to always shave my pubes, and one day I had to see the doctor about a problem down there, I would feel very embarrassed about them seeing the fact that I shave my pubes, I mean, it's going to look a bit strange isn't it?



Unless you are shaving pictures/patterns in your pubes you shouldn't have anything to worry about..


I trim/shave my pubes with a body trimmer each day.. I'm not the least bit embarrassed about it..


The doctor will just think that you have good hygiene and care about your looks..

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doctors shave too !! it is a normal pratice of good hygeine


Hmmm, maybe it's just a common thing in America then. I know over here in the UK if a doctor saw the fact that I shave they'd be like 'WTF?!'. It could come across as some freaky sexual kink that you've got.


It'd be about as embarrassing as going to see the doctor because you've got something stuck up your butt due to 'experimentaion' if you know what I mean.

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Unless you are shaving pictures/patterns in your pubes you shouldn't have anything to worry about..


I trim/shave my pubes with a body trimmer each day.. I'm not the least bit embarrassed about it..


The doctor will just think that you have good hygiene and care about your looks..


So is this really common in the US then, I mean, how much do guys shave off? Do they totally shave it all off so it's a number 0?

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Hmmm, maybe it's just a common thing in America then. I know over here in the UK if a doctor saw the fact that I shave they'd be like 'WTF?!'. It could come across as some freaky sexual kink that you've got.

:confused: I don't think you know any such thing. I'm pretty sure a doctor or nurse over here wouldn't blink an eye at someones shaved pubes.


And where did you get the idea that shaving ones pubes was some kind of sexual kink?

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I don't think it is from reading this topic.


But it seems like that's how it could come across to someone who doesn't know that people do it just because they prefer the way it looks.


I thought people only shaved their pubes for porn.


:confused: I don't think you know any such thing. I'm pretty sure a doctor or nurse over here wouldn't blink an eye at someones shaved pubes.


Are you sure about that? I mean, this would be true if this is a common thing over here and is common klnowledge, but it isn't.


Before reading this topic if I saw a guy with shaved pubes I'd be like 'eer, okay, what ever tickles your fancy, this some sort of new fetish? O_o'

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So is this really common in the US then, I mean, how much do guys shave off? Do they totally shave it all off so it's a number 0?


I don't know how common it is .. I can only speak for myself.

I don't shave it all off but keep it cropped about 1/4-1/2 inch. and some areas are shaved completly..


I have had GF's who shave it bare and all but one who trim it or crop it.


By the way.. if you ever have any work done by a Doctor in your pelvic region THEY shave you at the Doctors office

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Dude, you gotta keep it clean down there and the girls will love you for it. Do you think they want a mouth full of hair when they go to give you a BJ.


I know many, many guys here who keep it clean...

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Ross, I can't speak for what men do, but it's a fairly common thing in the US for women to be completely shaved, have a landing strip, or be closely trimmed.

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Are you sure about that? I mean, this would be true if this is a common thing over here and is common klnowledge, but it isn't.

How do you know it isn't common? Especially seeing as the topic seems so new to you.


Try talking to some doctors and/or nurses who have worked in sexual health for some really kinky stories or even just someone who has worked in A&E. It's not like "Casualty".


(translation for the Americans who might not know - A&E - Accident & Emergency at a hospital - "Casualty" - TV programme about an A&E department)

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How do you know it isn't common? Especially seeing as the topic seems so new to you.


You've just answered your own question.


I'm 30 years old and I've never ever heard of people shaving their pubes before, maybe it's just where I live in the UK or something.


Yet I've heard of guys shaving their legs. In fact I've only known one guy to shave his legs and he got made fun of for it.

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Dude, you gotta keep it clean down there and the girls will love you for it. Do you think they want a mouth full of hair when they go to give you a BJ.


I know many, many guys here who keep it clean...


I don't need to worry about that, seeing as I'll never get a BJ.

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I don't understand the hygiene thing. I mean pubic hair is natural, so surely if you have a bath everyday you'll be fine.


Is there any other reason why people do it? Is it because they just prefer the way it looks, is it because they think the opposite sex prefers it?

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I don't understand the hygiene thing. I mean pubic hair is natural, so surely if you have a bath everyday you'll be fine.


Is there any other reason why people do it? Is it because they just prefer the way it looks, is it because they think the opposite sex prefers it?


I do it because I like it (landing strip gal). It also makes it more sensitive for me - thus - easier to have an orgasm... now, see why it's for me?


It also helps a man to "navigate" to the proper area :lmao: :lmao: :love:

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