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Girl driving me nuts...

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Ok this girl we have hung out nearly every day for the past 3 months with about a 2 week break because of her ex bf.


She just got out of a really bad relationship and is terrified of another one. She says she likes me so much and we always do sexual stuff together she even talks about us getting married, but won't be with me now for some reason. She asked me to be with her once and it lasted about a week and she said she just wasn't ready to handle a relationship.


I like her a lot even thought I don't show it ALL the time, don't want to seem to obsessed to her. Anyway every weekend she goes clubbing she goes clubbing all the time actually and she always brags to me about all the guys she made out with, then last night she was with 2 guys and one girl and slept with a guy at that house. She called me during the night and was talking then said here talk to my friend and her friend said she was "busy" this absolutely destroyed me inside.


She always does this to me and I get mad and she begs me to talk to her for 2 days and says she will never do that again if it hurts me, but then it just happens right again. When we are sober hanging out together everything is fine we get along great and enjoy each others company.


I don't know what to do, I have a really hard time ignoring her as I don't have a lot of people that call me throughout the day so I look forward to her phone calls.

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Cheshire Cat

She is displaying quite a lot of self-destructive behaviours - it sounds like she is trying hard to make her own life miserable and she is hurting you in the process.


Why don't you tell her you'd be glad to date her when and if she will be ready for another relationship (that is, if you'll still be available and interested)?


I suggest that you do not stick around as a friend as long as you are romantically interested in her as a friend - this girl could surely use some support from someone who cares for her (she sounds very emotionally messed up), but you should not be that someone.

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[sIZE=2]Wow this sounds like a siituation that I was in. Get out of that. She has zero interest level in being with you. Just think. If she was really into you, would she make out with other guys and tell you about it? She is seeing that she can run you over and take advantage of you. All you do is take her back every time. Sorry man but you look like a wuss to this girl. SHe has no respect for you. Your not in control. Thats what girls want deep down inside is a man that can take charge. GET OUT BEFORE IT GETS WORSE!!!


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