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mother - son difficulties


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Hey all, my parents have been divorced for about 10 years (im 18 now) and recently im really "sick and tired of being sick and tired" of my mums drinking which im fairly sure is now well developed into her being a alcoholic. i dont think shes moved on from the divorce and all she does is sit on a couch at night and gets drunk telling me what a worthless **** i am. generally ive got good self esteem and dont tolerate being called that but its like arguing with a brickwall. i look back on my preteen years and realise how embarrassing her drinking was and yet by day it was like nothing happened which confused the heck out of me back then.


my father is quite well off and very aware of her drinking (due to his profession there was no way i could live with him when i was young) and has stopped paying child support after my 18th so now her drinking is taking a financial impact on our lives. i have an allowance from dad and want to move out more then anything but it is quite difficult because im worried she'll go head first down a flight of stairs (again). what should i do???

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Is there any chance you could move in with your dad now? Now that you're 18 you can do whatever you want. If you have a good relationship with your dad, you should try to move in with him.


It's too much to ask of you to take care of your mother at your age. You need to get your life on track and take care of yourself. You will be more able to help your mother later on when you have a good and stable career and a family of your own. Your mother needs to help herself before she can expect any help from you or anyone else.

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