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Am I too jealous?

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My boyfriend and I have been dating a little over a year. When we first started dating he would compliment me all the time and was so sweet (the honeymoon period). Since then he doesn't give me ANY Compliments at all unless we doing something sexual and then he will say "your ass/stomach,breasts look so good" He NEVER says that I look nice or am pretty or anything. I will compliment him if he looks nice and hope he reciprocates but it never happens. Once I brought it up to him (lack of compliements) and he said "why would I Compliement you? you don't do anything. and once he said that he just doesn't do that.


He used the example that this girl whose his friend went to his custody hearing for his son with him (I had to work) and that she was all dressed up and looked so good and he never told her that. Well she's not his girlfriend so why would he? But he constantly talks about celebrities and how good he thinks some of them look. I am not bad looking at all but can't compete with someone who has a personal trainer, plastic surgery etc. Just last night we were talking on the phone (had plans to get together today) and he was talking about this movie he watched (Freaky Friday) with his son and he kept saying Oh my god, that Lohan girl is so HOT. (Lindsay Lohan). He went on to say, I"d do her in 2nd she is smokin" and kept talking about her like I was one of his guy friends!


I'm irritated because I look nothing like these celebrities he drools over. I am short with dark hair and eyes and the one he likes the most now is about 5ft 8 , pale with freckles everywhere (and quite frankly I don't find her that attractive). I totally understand that guys are visual creatures. I have even bought my boyfriend porn videos to watch when I'm not around and don't get jealous over that. but to constantly hear about how he thinks all these actresses are so hot (and they are ten years younger than him) and I don't get so much as a "you look nice" compliment once in several months. Also I've told him that it bothers me (last night as soon as he said that I got off the phone with him.) and he just thinks I"m too sensitive.


I'm about ready to attack him were it hurts but I don't want to stoop to that level. (my boyfriend has a very small package- and although I don't have that much of a problem with it I know he is insecure about it (especially after seeing the male porn stars! I almost want to start talking about what big dicks some of the porn stars have and how hot that I think that is just to get him back for his comments to me about his fantasy women. Am I being too sensitive? I just don't see why its so difficult for him tell me he thinks I"m hot once in awhile??

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I didn't quite get the part about the custody hearing friend or what he was trying to say, but anyhow...yes it sucks when your guy stops telling you compliments. Talking about celebrities does not seem as bad as if he was talking about real life people who he sees everyday in person.


But the reason I am writing-I would really try to talk you out of making any comments about his package or comparing other men's packages or talk of packages AT ALL.


Seriously--don't go there. He will never forgive you and probably won't be able to get hard anymore if you do that. Or hard for you, which I am sure you don't want.


Hey-we've all been there where you are so hurt and angry you just want to hurt them however you can. Well you know how you can. but unless he slept with your friend or mother I would definitely NOT DO IT!!!!


Talk about how other actors are goodlooking , do the same he does, maybe when he feels how it hurts he'll stop but please do not stoop to deliberate cruelty. It will poison your relationship. Handling things constructively is better!

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Both, and I would never actually insult him like that. I was just angry and wanted to make him feel like I do when he compliments everyone but me. But I wouldnt stoop to that because it would probably damage his self esteem and ruin our sex life.

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Saying he wants to sleep with a hot actress is just plain disrespectful to you. He should know better.


I did have a boyfriend once that commented on every actress he found "hot." It was annoying. I asked him to stop, but he kept on doing it. So I started doing it myself. I'd say some actor was very sexy and then sigh.


When my guy called me on it, I told him that since he always told me which female actors he thought were hot, I'd start telling him which guy actors I was hot for. I figured he would want to know, too.


Anyway, he cut it out. If he hadn't, it would have driven me crazy to the point I couldn't have been with him. I would have thought he was sizing up EVERY woman he met to see if he wanted to sleep with her, too.


Now, I had another boyfriend that used to say certain actresses were "lovely" or "beautiful" or even wonderful actors. That was respectful and perfectly okay.


Next time your boyfriend comments on a hot actress, laugh and say "Oh, yeah, and I want to do _____(pick a guy totally opposite from your guy.) He should get the message. If he doesn't then just say, "Hey, I'm not one of the guys. Cool it."


But don't ever say anything about a guy's package other than "Wow, I love it. It's perfect." No matter how mean the guy is to you.


NOTE: The above stands, unless he cheats on you. Then tell him he never satisfied you anyway and you faked every orgasm. (sorry, how vindictive of me! Couldn't resist)

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