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Don't really get it

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LOL, not to sound conceited but I gotta laugh a bit at this. I don't see how some people get can evenget sooooo depressed at finding out their b/f or g/f cheated, some even start crying, yes I already heard the same thing, that it's called "heartbroken".


But seriously that's nothing to get soo work up on. If mine b.f were to cheat, I wouldn't even bother getting mad nor get so work up about, I would just disppear and go to NC and move on easily with my life, studying, working, meeting new friends, probably partying too, it would be like "Yea wutever, you lost mister, don't talk to me, I'll ignore you."


Then I heard some other people do don't eat for a day cuz of it, come on, now that's soo pathethic, don't you think.


First, that person think of it just your good friend (NOT your soulmate). Friends come and go, the bad ones leave, the good ones stay.


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You are obviously very young, and have the perfect attitude about relationships for someone your age.


When you get old like me, things are a lot more serious and these issues become a much bigger deal.


It's different when someone you're just dating for fun cheats on you. But when you are considering having kids with someone, building a life with them, then the stakes are a good deal higher and finding out they are a liar is a lot more devastating.


It's all about perspective.


Also, some people are kind of overdramatic. Unfortunately, there's not much that will make me not eat. ;) But you are right, your life does go on, and just because someone turns out to be a jerkoff doesn't mean your life should stop.

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i felt betrayed. i was lied to. i was furious and hurt that he did not have the common decency and respect(that he commanded from me) to talk with me. and the fact that he was sooo selfish and only thought about himself.


i do not think it is "odd" to feel when the one you love and thought was something great turns out to be a lying cheat ass.


then ya may even start second guessing yourself and choices you have made, what could YOU have done different, what did YOU do wrong..... all these things to obsess on.


How,AILEC, do you not see how it affects people?:confused:

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the thought alone of my bf cheating on me makes my stomach turn. It would hurt so much. He is someone I share everything with, i love him with all my heart (and he feels the same) but point being is you are investing your heart in someone else. If they turn around and do something so obvious and show you how much they dont care is enough to make someone feel like curling up in a ball and not get up.


The reason some people dont eat is that due to the emotional effect it makes them feel physically ill and therefore they dont want to eat. It's like if you lose someone close to you, you are so hurt that you are sick over it, this situation may be less dramatic but you are losing someone you love and you are losing part of yourself.


Yes, you will eventually get it back, but it just hurts!

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when i broke up with the EX i lost about 7 lbs..... i jokingly say it just got me back to my "Dating weight" :D .


i could not eat because i was soo upset and anxious... my stomach was in a knot a week straight..... i drank lot's of alcohol though!

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Maybe you've never fully let go and allowed yourself to "be" in love, and feel all the feelings love brings on.

When someone hurts you deeply, there isn't alot one can do to hold back the emotional reaction aka HURT and PAIN.

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LOL, not to sound conceited but I gotta laugh a bit at this. I don't see how some people get can evenget sooooo depressed at finding out their b/f or g/f cheated, some even start crying, yes I already heard the same thing, that it's called "heartbroken".


But seriously that's nothing to get soo work up on. If mine b.f were to cheat, I wouldn't even bother getting mad nor get so work up about, I would just disppear and go to NC and move on easily with my life, studying, working, meeting new friends, probably partying too, it would be like "Yea wutever, you lost mister, don't talk to me, I'll ignore you."


Then I heard some other people do don't eat for a day cuz of it, come on, now that's soo pathethic, don't you think.


First, that person think of it just your good friend (NOT your soulmate). Friends come and go, the bad ones leave, the good ones stay.


Have you ever been cheated on?

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Maybe you've never fully let go and allowed yourself to "be" in love, and feel all the feelings love brings on.

When someone hurts you deeply, there isn't alot one can do to hold back the emotional reaction aka HURT and PAIN.


I agree with WWIU.


Years ago my best friend, who had been my best friend for over 10 years, stole my then-BF from me. It hurt like hell to be betrayed like that, not only by my boyfriend, but by my friend who I loved and trusted probably more than I cared about the guy.

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LOL, not to sound conceited but I gotta laugh a bit at this. I don't see how some people get can evenget sooooo depressed at finding out their b/f or g/f cheated, some even start crying, yes I already heard the same thing, that it's called "heartbroken".


But seriously that's nothing to get soo work up on. If mine b.f were to cheat, I wouldn't even bother getting mad nor get so work up about, I would just disppear and go to NC and move on easily with my life, studying, working, meeting new friends, probably partying too, it would be like "Yea wutever, you lost mister, don't talk to me, I'll ignore you."


Then I heard some other people do don't eat for a day cuz of it, come on, now that's soo pathethic, don't you think.


First, that person think of it just your good friend (NOT your soulmate). Friends come and go, the bad ones leave, the good ones stay.




In life things are not just black and white. Not all relationships should require heartache, not eating and sadness, however when you truly care and love someone and they will no longer be in your life, there is some type of separation that is involved with loosing a person that you enjoy.


For me it means to cherish the person that you let close to you and if you have that super connection with them you need to make each day count, this goes for friends, family boyfriend. ect ect. You learn something from each person in your life.


I am not sure how old you are but love and friendships in life is so important, and if you can just go on and forget then that person was not dear to you to begin with.


I am not saying don't be strong if you have to move on what I am saying is everyone that walks in and out of your life is important.

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When you really cared about someone and you find out that they have been lying to you, have betrayed your trust and have given themselves to somebody else, this is as if you had been stabbed in the back for real! You just collapse!

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Have you ever been cheated on?


Never as well as I have never fallen in love either, but I am aware I'm infatuated. Bu t I think I did kinda cheated on an ex (was my first suppost b/f), but we were just b/f and g/f for only a week. I was trying to call him to dumped him (he was weird and shady). I never left a message so ok, I french kiss another dude.

Two days after the kiss, I call him again to dump him (this time he was there and picked up the phone). I didn't mentioned anything to him about the kiss, I didn't care either. Till this day I have no bad feelings over it (no regret, none whatsoever), there was nothing, only attraction, no chemisty. My friend even told me what kind of guy he is, but come to think of it, I have the feeling that even if my friend wans't told me about it and I wouldn't have call him to dump him, the kiss would have still happened, it's like it was predetermined already.

Now with this current b/f, there is bounding and it's not just attraction.

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I am not sure how old you are but love and friendships in life is so important, and if you can just go on and forget then that person was not dear to you to begin with.


I'm 19 years-old, guess that must be it.

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If my boyfriend ever cheated on me I would probably become one of the "pathetic" people you described. I have been with him for almost 6 years now and he is my best friend and the man I want to grow old with. It not , "Oh my god my life is over. I can't go on anymore," that I would feel, but , "Oh my god I can't believe that the man that I thought I wanted to grow old with and have shared the last six years of my life with has betrayed me." My life would go on, however I would be sad and probably cry my eyes out for a week or so over losing him and the idea I thought we shared of growing old together.

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I'm 19 years-old, guess that must be it.


May it is age maybe it isn't who knows, I just think that you will one day meet someone that you feel deeply about and he will break your heart, or the other way around. However it is good that you are putting things into perspective for yourself, keep a clear head and it will get you far!

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