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I just have a little question.


I ended up going out with some friends, telling my girlfriend I'd probably be back in my room in about an hour in a half. A project I was working on with my friends went longer then expected, and no phones where nearby or really easily available. The result was that I got back about an hour and a half late, with the result of my girlfriend getting really worried and freaked out.


She was worried for me and my safty, etc. and I think its really sweet. I didn't go to any great efforts to phone, however, because every once in a while I feel like I want to have a few hours of my own time, without kind of having to phone and "check in". Is this reasonable of me? Or was I being insensitive?

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Oh my god - i had the exactly same situations with my bf. while its sweet of them to worry, i dont think its their right to know where u are every single second ... i mean she's not your mom and u'r not 2 years old.


i think the best thing to do is not to tell her when u think u'll be back... just say - u'll give her a call if its not too late. that way she cant freak out... if she cant handle giving u some room and freedom, she rpolly have major insecutiry issues (that was the case w/ my ex)


so my advice'd be to give her less info and less basis to freak out ...


best of luck,



I just have a little question. I ended up going out with some friends, telling my girlfriend I'd probably be back in my room in about an hour in a half. A project I was working on with my friends went longer then expected, and no phones where nearby or really easily available. The result was that I got back about an hour and a half late, with the result of my girlfriend getting really worried and freaked out. She was worried for me and my safty, etc. and I think its really sweet. I didn't go to any great efforts to phone, however, because every once in a while I feel like I want to have a few hours of my own time, without kind of having to phone and "check in". Is this reasonable of me? Or was I being insensitive?
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I find that people who do that want to control you. She might not even know she's doing it, but you certainly feel it. Talk to her about the control issue and that you need it to stop. This can be a big problem later on if you don't deal with it. I had a b/f like that and I put a stop to it---it really helped. He was scared to lose me so he was using my safety to monitor my comings and goings. I broke up with him.

I just have a little question. I ended up going out with some friends, telling my girlfriend I'd probably be back in my room in about an hour in a half. A project I was working on with my friends went longer then expected, and no phones where nearby or really easily available. The result was that I got back about an hour and a half late, with the result of my girlfriend getting really worried and freaked out. She was worried for me and my safty, etc. and I think its really sweet. I didn't go to any great efforts to phone, however, because every once in a while I feel like I want to have a few hours of my own time, without kind of having to phone and "check in". Is this reasonable of me? Or was I being insensitive?
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She has every right to be concerned with your safety.


I guess no one has been in a bad situation where a bf/gf has almost died, but was saved because someone cared.


Knowing where someone is can be important to someone that cares, but this can be mistaken for someone being too much in your business.


My girlfriend one time said she would be back in about 2 hours. I asked where she was going, and she said she was going out running. I didn't let her go alone that night, because it was dark and I didn't want anything to happen. Well, she almost died that night, when we were running she passed out and didn't come to. She hadn't eaten for days. And her parents were not supposed to be home for quite a long time. It was lucky that I was CONCERNED with her safety and went along with her that night. I carried her 2 miles back to her house where I treated her and brought her back. I saved her life.


EVEN if i didn't go, I would have known she was late, and would have been worried enough to do something about it.


I just have a little question. I ended up going out with some friends, telling my girlfriend I'd probably be back in my room in about an hour in a half. A project I was working on with my friends went longer then expected, and no phones where nearby or really easily available. The result was that I got back about an hour and a half late, with the result of my girlfriend getting really worried and freaked out. She was worried for me and my safty, etc. and I think its really sweet. I didn't go to any great efforts to phone, however, because every once in a while I feel like I want to have a few hours of my own time, without kind of having to phone and "check in". Is this reasonable of me? Or was I being insensitive?
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So why is she verifying your time usage anyway?


I take it you live in a dorm on a college campus?


Does she think you're banging some other chick?


Are you?


Did you have some vague "date" to meet up after your time with yor friends?


AS lot of unclear stuff here.

I just have a little question. I ended up going out with some friends, telling my girlfriend I'd probably be back in my room in about an hour in a half. A project I was working on with my friends went longer then expected, and no phones where nearby or really easily available. The result was that I got back about an hour and a half late, with the result of my girlfriend getting really worried and freaked out. She was worried for me and my safty, etc. and I think its really sweet. I didn't go to any great efforts to phone, however, because every once in a while I feel like I want to have a few hours of my own time, without kind of having to phone and "check in". Is this reasonable of me? Or was I being insensitive?
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