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God, I'm stupid.

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Its Not A Tumaaa

Ok, so my girlfriend decided she wanted to "set me up," so she made a fake email address and emailed me on it, pretending to be a girl that wanted to get with me. Now, I'm not stupid, because I used to do the same kind of stuff, and I knew that my girlfriend was behind it all. I was appaled, angry, pissed, and wanted nothing more than to get back at her... So I went along with it.


The day me and the fake girl were supposed to meet, I originally wasn't going to go. However, I believed this guy to be helping her, and I figured he'd show up. So I went... But it was my girlfriend's female friend instead.


Now my girlfriend doesn't believe me that I knew it was her all along. She said she hates me and is so angry with me and doesn't want anything to do with me and is thinking if she wants to stay with me or not. Ok, understandable... Yet, she still wears the promise ring I bought her, gets jealous because I called a girl just to talk, she still comes and stays over my house, had sex with me twice this morning, and tapped me on the shoulder in my sleep and told me she loves me.


Is she just angry with me and really doesn't hate me? Or is she just ****ing with my head. I'm so confused because she says she doesn't love me anymore because she's mad at me, yet she does all this stuff that makes me think otherwise.

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Ok, so my girlfriend decided she wanted to "set me up," so she made a fake email address and emailed me on it, pretending to be a girl that wanted to get with me. Now, I'm not stupid, because I used to do the same kind of stuff, and I knew that my girlfriend was behind it all. I was appaled, angry, pissed, and wanted nothing more than to get back at her... So I went along with it.


The day me and the fake girl were supposed to meet, I originally wasn't going to go. However, I believed this guy to be helping her, and I figured he'd show up. So I went... But it was my girlfriend's female friend instead.


Now my girlfriend doesn't believe me that I knew it was her all along. She said she hates me and is so angry with me and doesn't want anything to do with me and is thinking if she wants to stay with me or not. Ok, understandable... Yet, she still wears the promise ring I bought her, gets jealous because I called a girl just to talk, she still comes and stays over my house, had sex with me twice this morning, and tapped me on the shoulder in my sleep and told me she loves me.


Is she just angry with me and really doesn't hate me? Or is she just ****ing with my head. I'm so confused because she says she doesn't love me anymore because she's mad at me, yet she does all this stuff that makes me think otherwise.





sounds to me like You got caught, almost with your pants down, and you feel dumb.


most guys i know with serious Gf would have slapped dat b!tch up if they "knew" it were her()unless you are like 15).

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Its Not A Tumaaa

No, I'm not like most guys. I thought the best way to get even with her was to get real intimate with the fake person. I guess it was stupid of me because I could have gotten her back in a different way.


Honestly I'm not lying, why would I lie on a forum? I don't even know you. I'm just trying to tell you my story and ask advice, and yet you try to judge me. What a mistake.

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No, I'm not like most guys. I thought the best way to get even with her was to get real intimate with the fake person. I guess it was stupid of me because I could have gotten her back in a different way.


Honestly I'm not lying, why would I lie on a forum? I don't even know you. I'm just trying to tell you my story and ask advice, and yet you try to judge me. What a mistake.


ohhh... i am NOT judging... just forcing you to defend yourself, it's a chic-tactet!


but as a chic.... i would be wondering...hm,mmm he says that he knew , but did he REALLY know it was me. AND the fact that she already has trust issues with you, which is why she did it in the first place.


Really, i think, Eventually it would have been something, this girl for whatever reason, just does not trust you..... so if this did not "work" she prob. would have had her friend go after you.


how long have you been dating?


get rid of her guy!

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Its Not A Tumaaa

She has major insecurity problems, I've never given her a reason not to trust me before. I lied to her once about seeing a movie without her because I didn't want to hurt her, so ever since then she doesn't trust me, and thinks I'm lying. I don't want to get rid of her either, because I love her too much. We've been together for a year.


I'm just curious as to why she acts the way she does if she really hates me. It's obvious she still wants to be with me, but she's still mad. I can only apologize and tell her my story so many times, it's getting tiring.

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she is just immature and insecure..... and she is testing you. it os sooo irritating! this is one of those you make-all-females-look-like-jealous-b!tches things.


I hate THat!

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Its Not A Tumaaa

If she hates me, why is still wearing the ring I bought her, sleeping with me, getting jealous, and telling me she loves me? It's confusing.

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If she hates me, why is still wearing the ring I bought her, sleeping with me, getting jealous, and telling me she loves me? It's confusing.


right... she does NOT hate you.....it's not a tumaaah :D . she was testing you, you failed.... Yet she is sTILL with you? it's a crazy-jealous-b!tch thang.... you wouldn't understand!

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If you went along with it to get back at her, without making sure there would be some form of "proof" that you weren't actually doing it for real, then golly yes, you are one stupid sob. Suck it up, einstein!


Seriously, how can you have done that without at least some way of showing you weren't actually serious? I mean you could have left a note somewhere in your house (or better still, in a friend's house or neutral location), and the moment she confronted you, just tell her nah I was just playing along, then when she doesn't believe it you take her to the note right away. Bang, there's your proof and she's stone cold busted for trying to set you up.

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Its Not A Tumaaa

i did, I wrote an email before I left, but it never got sent, so I had to resend it when I got home, and now the time difference issue comes into play, because she thinks I wrote it after.


So that's why It's hard for her to believe.

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She doesn't trust you. Like Rubia said...if the email didn't work she probably would've thrown her girlfriend on you.

Why bother with such a girl? Personally I couldn't handle being tested like that all the time.

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Ok, so my girlfriend decided she wanted to "set me up," so she made a fake email address and emailed me on it, pretending to be a girl that wanted to get with me. Now, I'm not stupid, because I used to do the same kind of stuff, and I knew that my girlfriend was behind it all. I was appaled, angry, pissed, and wanted nothing more than to get back at her... So I went along with it.


The day me and the fake girl were supposed to meet, I originally wasn't going to go. However, I believed this guy to be helping her, and I figured he'd show up. So I went... But it was my girlfriend's female friend instead.


Now my girlfriend doesn't believe me that I knew it was her all along. She said she hates me and is so angry with me and doesn't want anything to do with me and is thinking if she wants to stay with me or not. Ok, understandable... Yet, she still wears the promise ring I bought her, gets jealous because I called a girl just to talk, she still comes and stays over my house, had sex with me twice this morning, and tapped me on the shoulder in my sleep and told me she loves me.


Is she just angry with me and really doesn't hate me? Or is she just ****ing with my head. I'm so confused because she says she doesn't love me anymore because she's mad at me, yet she does all this stuff that makes me think otherwise.


Maybe a misunderstanding, but you allowed yourself to be set up. It's easier just to come out and call bullsh-- right from the beginning and talk squarely about how things are unfolding in the relationship. Easier said than done in some situations, I'll agree, but that's the way it is.

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Yep, you should have busted her a$$ about it before it got to the meet stage, and made sure you had proof you knew it was her all along.


However, you don't seem at all miffed at the fact that she set you up? Does that not bother you? It's not how trusting, loving partners would treat each other and is definately an issue.


To do it to catch a cheating spouse maybe... but just to check up on you? I find that a reach too far.

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If she hates me, why is still wearing the ring I bought her, sleeping with me, getting jealous, and telling me she loves me? It's confusing.


Read the book "I hate you, don't leave me"

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Not a good relationship to be in. Love has enough tests thrown at it and it doesn't need 1 half of a couple throwing more for the sake of thier own head. She needs to get over her past and forgive you and you need to be smarter about what she is doing. If she tries it again (i would leave before even bothering) sit down and tell her to stop the BS or move on.

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Ok I'm the g/f who did this to him. Well I kind of had the right to. Last week I saw a post he made on Craigslist.org in the sex and fun section stating " I'm 21 male from G.C looking for a woman to have sexual fun and pleasures with. I'm willing to pay and I pay very well. " So I read all the relpies from it. He was talking to like 7 dif girls about meeting up while I was at work and what he was planning on doing. So I made a girl with Craigslist and wrote to him about his post. And sure enough he wrote back. I will post the whole convo after I write this.


Well when I saw everything it tore me up, really bad. He lied to me more then like 5 times in the past. I'm very uptight with lyers and once you lie to me I its hard for me to trust you cause you already lied to me easily so what will stop you to do it again? Well he has made me so sick since last wend and I still can't eat, sleep. I'm so sick and always throwing up. I now don't trust anyone cause he was my best friend and my boyfriend so if my own best friend did this to me how can I trust anyone else? I never had trust issues untill now. And it's sad. He had major trust issues in the past. Girls always cheated on him and hurt him and ****ed with his head.


I tried my best to prove to him I'm not like other girls. Then I finally got him to beleive me and then he goes and does this. I don't talk to anyone at all not even family. I hate everyone cause of him. And yes I did have sex but that was cause he sleeper creapered me( did me while I was asleep.) and I wear the ring cause he noticed I wasnt wearing it and got mad so I wear it around him so he will stop bitching about it. I'm trying my best to beleive him, and trust him. I'm even thinking about giving him a chance again. I can truly say I do hate life now cause of him.


I've never had this problem with guys and never had trust issues with guys untill him. Out of all people he did it. And now he is mad at me for evreything. But I had the right to do it. He was whoring himself out when he gets ****ing sex up to 4 times a day and willing to blow him anytime he wants. I don't get it. I mean I do every sex postion he wants I don't mind role playing I love being a sex freak. But he is truely changing me. I hate it. ANd I dont know what to do. So this is the other side of the story he didnt tell. Now you can still bitch about me being a bad g/f but Im not. I do everything for him.


I even moved to ny for him and he uses my car all the time cause he doesnt have one, I got a new job that pays great but the hours suck just so we can get an apartment together cause thats all he talks about. I do so much for him and changed so much of my life for him. I dont even know if it was worth it now. Well thank you for listening to my side. And the e-mail between him and "Amanda" is after this. Remember you will have to read it from bottom to top cause of the way e-mails are. Well thanks again.

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even if you were going along with it and didnt know it was her, she is just as damn guilty for playing games that way. she dug her own grave

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How'd the GF know he posted on LS? And if the BF told her he posted this thread, he obviously lied in the first post, to cover his a** and claim he was innocent all along.


Either it's all a crock, or the GF posting as a guest is trolling.

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How'd the GF know he posted on LS? And if the BF told her he posted this thread, he obviously lied in the first post, to cover his a** and claim he was innocent all along.


Either it's all a crock, or the GF posting as a guest is trolling.



I agree when will this tom foolery stop?

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u know...people that do that [and there actually quite a few], i once dated a woman that did that as well...


and i think as i stated in a seperate post, i instinctively trust people so the only way i would catch on to someone i knew doing that to me, would be for them to make it so freaking obvious that you could ram a truck thru the comp screen...and guess what? that's what she did! used my nicname as her moniker. i think the best sign that something is up is when a supposedly available woman sends you an email...women rarely do that stuff - they have it easy, just sit back and go threw the list...


now if you both know ahead of time and its sort of like hide and seek that would be fun...but the other is just wrong in sooooooooooooo many ways...i don't even want to get into...but u can bet your bottom dollar that the women that do that will try and find any freaking moral weakness or even invent one in order to relief their own guilt for doing so


can u imagine doing that to someone you are dating? whoa! or married 2?

and i know the person i was seeing that did that had a few friends in the loop - ones that really enjoyed putting the screws to men...even total strangers...there are freaks out there man..


think about how whacked that is...if u can do that, you can do anything


this person i knew that used to do that did it before she met me...what kinda of person screws people like that for there own freaking enteryainment...that is serious hospital time man

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  • 1 month later...

Well he did this the first time right? We had a great talk about it and everything was perfect. He always goes through my emails and gets so mad when a guy on the street says Hi to me. But anyway, he promised he will never "plan to cheat on the internet again". Everything was perfect again but then 3 weeks later he did it again trying to meet up with some Asian chick so he can lick her clit all night ext... NOW WHAT!!!! What do I do. Everyone here is talking crap about me but I'm the one who trys fopr this relationship. I'm the one who gives him my car cause he doesn't have one and I give him my debit card so he can buy lunch at work or pay for his bills. I'm the one who gives him sex 1-3 times a day, and will do anything sexual.


I rub his feet when he had a bad day at work and make him dinner and take him out and ext.... I really don't know what to do. I love him but I'm so scared of him. I really am. And everyone is always on his side, but I'm the one who doesn't even talk to old guy friends cause it upsets him but he can talk to all his ex's and whatnot and I really don't mind it, it sucks when I cant though. And he has everything good he is so spoiled. But he tries to cheat on me. I don't get it. I'm not that great looking but I know and I heard from plenty that I can do so much better than him, and why I'm with him.

Sometimes I don't even know why I gave him the chance. I never got hurt like this and he always has I tried to prove to him not all girls are bad and cheat, but I'm the one who got ****ed over.


Now tell me what would you do if the one you love so much and are planning on getting married and having a family with ext did this to you, once I tried to forgive and I did and everything was perfect, but again? What would you do?

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