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I may just be hoping for a lost cause, but I recently broke up w my boyfriend of 10 months. We started out on a bad foot, but I guess it was just familiarity kept us with each other. However, I was engaged before I met him & I cheated on him w my ex fiance while we were together. Of course I tried to deny it initally, but once he found out I tried so hard to fix it...I don't know if he just couldn't get over it or what. He treated me awful, but I feel like I truly care about him and wanted to work through it. He went from being in love & wanting to work this out to not even wanting to speak. Is that anger or is it over for good?

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You skank its over.


um, okay, this could have been a harsh way to put it, but yeah...


i think you should both move on. why continue to fool yourselves?

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He went from being in love & wanting to work this out to not even wanting to speak.


Yeah, that usually happens when you f**k other guys. Lesson learned. :D

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next time keep your panties on hun, best advice i can give you. it really isnt difficult to say "no" to a guy, not difficult at all, and the way he's treating you now is 100% deserved. take this feeling and remember it next time you decide to cheat


you should of known better than to be around an ex anyways, live and learn i suppose


but please: dont try to act amazed at the way things turned out lol, you seem a bit surprised..dont be so naive, 99% of guys wont put up with that, and if they will, the girl was never anything more than a sex object to begin with


no self respecting man would forgive a girl for doing that to him.

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I suggest just for a moment to put yourself in his shoes...


How would you feel? Like sh*t? Betrayed? Used? Upset? Angry? Hurt?


So no, as Spectre said, don't act surprised that he's acting this way. He's acting in a perfectly normal way under these circunstances...


My advice would be that you are wasting your time trying and pleading with him to make it work...just let him go.


I hate to put it this bluntly, but you have already hurt him enough, let the guy move on...


Cheating and lying is one unforgivable act in my books. I don't give second chances for that, so I believe he's doing the right thing here...


In fact, he's doing you a favour. Now you won't have to worry about cheating, you haven't got anyone to cheat on...


Think about it next time.

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It seems all the sexy, intelligent, and sane women come from down under.


Gotta get me an airline ticket! :)

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