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Is it Sex or Emotions that keep an affair strong?

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I was just wondering if it's just the sex that keeps an affair ever lasting, or do strong emotions and feelings for one another play a bigger part? Which one out -weighs the other and how do I know which reason it is?


The reason I ask this is because my husband just told me that he has been having an affair now for the last 2 years. I just found out. I couldn't believe that he told me it lasted for the last 2 years! Where was I and why didn't I catch the signs???


It is a woman he works with who is fairly younger than he. She is very beautiful. He told me that it was just purely for the sex and there were no feelings involved with this woman. I don't know if I can believe that because the affair lasted this long! That's longer than the time he and I were together before getting married.


I just need to know if you think he has strong feelings for this woman if it's gone on for a while. I can't just believe that it was mainly for the sex and no feelings, if that was the case then he could've just had sex with ME being we no longer love each other.


We are getting divorced and I think he'll still be with this woman. He hasn't said but I think he might even marry her. I don't know. PLease help!


I know it no longer matters now that we are divorcing, but I need some reassurance that I didn't do anything wrong. We had sex at least 1 or 2 times a week. There really weren't any signs that he gave me that he was cheating. I know we can't help who we fall in love with so that's why I need to know. Thank you.

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