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just brokeup need a little advice

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Hello I just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years. I am feeling very confused I know why I broke up with him and I know it was the right decision but I keep wanting to call him or stop by his house,I am trying very hard not too. Im just really lost right now I can't concentrate on school or anything I feel like Im in a daze.so any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi, i m so sorry this happened to you. Perhaps you could to some aerobics or something energetic to work of you fustration. Then when you are tired, just try to sleep if off. You will need time to heal. It would be tough not to think about him, but if you have made you decision, you would have to stand by it.


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You have been with this guy long enough to have a serious attachment. It is not unusual to have the feelings you are having after this breakup. It think you are reacting to this in a very normal way.


Although I know nothing about your particular situation, you apparently did what you thought was best by breaking up with him. Sometimes, doing what we think is best for us is hard to do.


If you think you have done the right thing, just remain strong, hang in there and do your best not to give in to your feelings to contact him. At this point, contacting him will only prolong your desire to be with him again.


ALL of these feelings will subside after a period of time. Just realize that what you are going through now is normal and that you will feel better after some time has passed.


As 'niki' has suggested, it would be a good idea to find some activities to take your mind off of this situation. The more you sit around and think about it, the worse it will get. This is a time for you to discover and rediscover yourself. Take advantage of it. Try new things or things you have put off in the past.


There is a whole world out there, eager for you to join in.

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anonymous regular

Been there, girl!


It just takes time.


This is what helped me:


I told myself:


"I'm gonna wait 1 month, and if i still RRRLLLLY feel like contacting him, i will".


Guess what - after a month, i wasn't sure if i wanted to contact him. SO i gave myself another month. And so on.


Best of luck!

You have been with this guy long enough to have a serious attachment. It is not unusual to have the feelings you are having after this breakup. It think you are reacting to this in a very normal way. Although I know nothing about your particular situation, you apparently did what you thought was best by breaking up with him. Sometimes, doing what we think is best for us is hard to do. If you think you have done the right thing, just remain strong, hang in there and do your best not to give in to your feelings to contact him. At this point, contacting him will only prolong your desire to be with him again. ALL of these feelings will subside after a period of time. Just realize that what you are going through now is normal and that you will feel better after some time has passed. As 'niki' has suggested, it would be a good idea to find some activities to take your mind off of this situation. The more you sit around and think about it, the worse it will get. This is a time for you to discover and rediscover yourself. Take advantage of it. Try new things or things you have put off in the past. There is a whole world out there, eager for you to join in.
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