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hooking up w/o flirting?

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How might it be possible to hook up without really doing any flirting? It's not that I'm against flirting by any stretch of the imgination but in this certain situaiton I just don't have the time.



The situation involves a cashier at busy store. At most times the store is filled with custumers checking out so I wouldn't have time to flirt. I probably could check back when the place is dead but that might make the cashier feel cornered. So I guess it would be best to try something when I'm usually there during the rush hour. I only have maybe 20 seconds once I reach the payout. The only thing I know of her is that she's not married/engaged or at least she wasn't wearing a ring. My guess is she's at least somewhat attracted to me since she did a double take and her voice went high when I paid. What could I possibly do in this case?

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