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to scared to leave....


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Why does it keep happening? I really am starting to think its my fault.....


I found out he had lied to me about what he told his boss yesterday for the reason he didnt go to work, he siad that he had told them that he was ill but I found out that he siad his dad had gone back into hospital (his dad suffers from deppression) I mean what kind of sick person says that!


i confronted him about this and all I got was spitting in my face kicking in my head and legs and hitting my face.......


He siad that it was my fault becuase I looked through his stuff and that if I ever did it again he would beat me so hard I would be unconsious.... I cant cope I cant leave becuase I have no money and I have only been at my new job for a month and I love my job...........


I just wish that I could turn back the clock a year and a half and leave the first time this happend...but I no longer have the strength to leave and I dont know if I still love him.... I think I do but I feel so empty right now

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You couldn't possibly love him. He's the weakest and most wicked of all types of man. If you could even call him one.

You need to leave him. As quickly as possible. Involve the police, and find some friends to bunk with who understand the situation.

No real man worthy of loyalty like yours would treat you like that.


Be careful. Be strong.

Take care


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I cant cope I cant leave becuase I have no money and I have only been at my new job for a month and I love my job...........

How badly do you want to get your life back? This isn't a rhetorical question.

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Believe me I know how you feel. My husband verbally abuses me instead of the physical and I still do love him and its SO hard to just leave. Believe me I have thought of it and I do everytime he goes off the deep end but then it gets better and such so then I don't. I think in your case you do need to leave and I don't think anyone else here would dissagree. It's not your fault its his and you don't deserve to be treated like that.

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