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How can I tell if she's interested?

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There is a girl at my work that I like. She's very shy. I'm also shy, but I am very good at hiding it. I usually come off as very confident. She's usually quiet, and doesn't say much when people talk to her. Lately I've noticed that she talks to me a lot, smiles a lot around me, and so on. Everyone says that she probably does like me, but I've misinterpreted signals before, and they have too on an almost constant basis. She is also from Mexico and seems very traditional, so I don't know if that is a factor or not. So my question is, how can I tell if a shy latin girl likes me. I'd really like to take her out.

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you answered your own question, the best way to measure interest is ask her out, if she agrees then it's settled

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There is risk involved. You have to take a risk and find out if she likes you. You can't just expect her to fall in your lap and beg you to date you. You learn the behaviors of women by observing their actions more than their words. If she looks and you and looks away when she see's you looking that is a sign she is probably interested. If she plays with her hair while talking to you. There are countless ways a women may express her interest but if you want to express yours then just ask her on a date.

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