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Need Advancement Suggestions!

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Ok, I do longterm contract work at a company and have for 10+ years. I don't make much money and am trying to get them to pay me more because it's getting harder and harder to pay my bills with inflation and all. My company recently hired some new people in the same position as me and they are making more than I do.


I asked for more money from my (contract) company. They said they don't know if the client will give them more money for the position. Ok, well the NEW people are getting more money (for the same position) so I KNOW it's possible.


Truth is, my company is making a huge profit off of me and doesn't want to lessen their profit margin. Say the client pays my company $85,000 for my position but my company turns around and pays me 45,000. That means my company makes a profit of $40,000 on me.


If I get my company to pay me $60,000, they would only make a profit of $25,000 on me. So my company is acting like it's their client that doesn't want to pay more when the client is paying $85,000 for the position no matter what.


I don't know if this made any sense or not.....


I don't know what to do.


I have quite a bit more education than the new people do although my extra education is not a requirement for the job. The new people do not have degrees. For the position I'm in, the requirement has always been that you are supposed to have a bachelors or associates degree (I have more). When I mentioned this to the boss he said that the new people had certification certicates (which you can obtain in a one year program) and one had a lot of experience.



I like my job and want to stay but want to be paid fairly and don't know what to do. One of the new guys is already talking about when he'll get a raise. And he's making a lot more than me. And I'll bet he'll get it because they seem to know how to get what they want.


Any advice?



I talked to the boss on the phone and he comes into town this week. He said on the phone he'll talk to the client but it might be difficult to get the client to part with a few extra bucks.


It's not the client though!


I feel trapped in what to do. I've been there 11 years.

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