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2 Questions ... How Do I Tell If She Likes Me? -and- Secret Admirer?


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I am no good with women at all. I can't talk to women, I don't get them. The whole this is insanely confusing.


I recently started at a computer tech school, and met a girl that I am developing a huge crush on. We haven't become fast friends or anything, we talk every once in a while. But I was wondering, how can I tell if she likes me? I think I've gotten some looks, but I'm so bad with women, I can't be sure.


Also, she may have a boyfriend. This is probably the most confusing part of the situation. They're together a lot, but they don't really act like a couple. (although it is school, so that could explain that) When we first started talking, she briefly brought him up, but all she said is "He's pretty cool." If they were together, wouldn't she have said something? I need some help here, I'm completely clueless!


Also, I was wondering if any women would actually be into the secret admierer thing? To me, it seems like something a girl would laugh at. But, what do I know?

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Secret admirers are a fantasy of the past. Today we call them stalkers.



You are not going to be successful each time you ask a girl out. It's no big deal, it just is. Ask her out. You won't regret asking her out even if she says no but you will regret not asking.

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Well, the main thing holding me back (other than shyness) is the guy who may or may not be her boyfriend. As I said eariler, they are together a lot, but they don't really act like a couple ... so I can't tell if they are together or not. I don't want to have to spend the next 14 months with these people -- feeling like an idiot each time I see them -- if I ask her out and they are together. Plus, I kinda like the guy and I wouldn't want to be the one got in the middle and broke them up.

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Ok you want the indirect approach right? Here it is...when you are in a conversation with her just ask some non threatening question about her 'boyfriend <insert his name here>' if she says, 'oh, he's not my boyfriend' or 'he's blah, blah, blah' you have your answer.


Of course she could be seeing another guy that you've never seen. :)

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Secret admirers are a fantasy of the past. Today we call them stalkers.




Confucious Say: I think that there's a strong possibility that, upon reading this, one may laugh until they puke.


I did.


Thanks for the chuckle! (Sans Yack.)


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