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I cant believe this happened to me..... I feel so HURT

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went over my girlfriends house the other night and we hung out and watched a movie and shot some pool....all was well, I stayed all night there and in the morning we got up and we had sex.


I had to work that day but didnt have to go in till a little later....I am normally gone very early in the morning but not this day.


I am out with her in the kitchen about an hour later and her phone rings....she said hmmmm it says some kind of storage place on my caller ID and she answers it.


It was a guy on the other end talking to her and I could hear the whole conversation because the phone was on so loud! he asked her is she wanted to go out to breakfast and they had small talk and he asked if he can stop over on his way to work.......and she said YES while I was standing right there!


I could not believe this was happeneing while I was right there! I asked who that was.....and she said it was her SISTER! and she was askin her if she wanted to go out to eat. I called her out on this and said what the hell are you talkin about that was a guy on the phone and said I heard the whole conversation, well she said I was crazy and that it was her sister.


I sat down at the table then all the sudden she said "well I am gonna take a shower and go to the store are you leaving for work now"? I knew some guy was coming over and I said no I am gonna hang out a while because I do not have to work yet.....she starts getting very nervous and was pretty much pushing me out the door and practically begging me to leave....... so I did


I get in my car and back out of the driveway and take off and I pass a white truck with some guy in it on the way and I just knew that was the guy going to her house.....I circled around just to make sure and sure enough he pulled in her driveway and got out.


I couldnt believe this was happening, I have only been with her for about 4 months but this was just crazy! I immediately called her up when I seen the truck and asked her what the hell was going on...she said she would call me back in an hour.


We talked about the whole thing for a long time and the best answer I got from her about this guy is that he is a "PROSPECT" and now all the sudden she doesnt wanna be tied down and doesnt want a serious relationship, supposedly nothing has happened with this guy yet.....so she says.


I am very tore up about this and I cant stop thinking about it, she says she still wants to see me but she just doesnt wanna have a serious relationship and she wants to take it day by day......whatever that means. I told her I wanna be with her but I want her to only be with me....and she said NO.....what does she want from me then?


This woman has told me she loved me and we have spent a ton of time together.....I just feel so lost. I have spent so much time with her and mabye that is part of the problem but I always thought she wanted to be with me and now she did say she needs her space.


should I ever talk to her again after what she has done to me? I am not going to call her but what if she calls me?

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The Beguiled

Something similiar happend to me recently. My female "friend" invited me over to her house. She claimed that she had to clean the house because a prospective buyer was coming over to look at the house. I busted my butt helping her in time.


She then claimed that I should not be around when he comes over, and that I shouldd go and get some food at a fast food place. My anntenna shot up. This is weird, I thought. I left the house, got hte food, and drove back to her house. I parked my car outside and ate my food and waited. After about 20 minutes a man came out an d got into his vehicle. He did not drive up and turn around, but backed his vehicle complety up. He did not want to pass my vehicle? I went inside the house. I asked my female "friend" so what did he think of the house? She did not reply. She just shook her head slowly with a guilty look on her face. Perhaps this is one of her dates with other men that I stumbled into?

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if she calls you, don't pick up. ever.

that is f*cked up with a capital F.. i mean.. seriously

if you guys had a committed relationship and then she goes off and meets "prospects" without telling you until you find out and she shoves you out the door..

dump her. she is a terrible person . and don't let her see you on a non-committed basis. thats just her getting her godamn way and she doesn't deserve it

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Two words. DUMP HER!!


And don't ever speak to her again. She knowingly LIED to your face, even after you said you could hear that it was a guys voice - SHE OUTRIGHT LIED TO YOU!


You're better off without her, trust me. She has no respect for you or what you think/feel.


Sorry for you pain, but she ain't worth crying over. Keep telling yourself that, over and over again and soon you'll be happier.

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She played you big time. Clearly she was already cheating with this guy behind your back and putting your health at risk for STD's. Get checked as soon as possible. She has no respect for you and seemed to enjoy humiliating you. Don't ever waste your time with someone as low as she is.

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That is such a horrible thing for her to do to you...


I really really really do sympathise for you, I really honestly do. But people like her, no matter how much it hurts you and no matter how much you love her, are not worth your tears or sadness.


It must have been gut-wrenching to find that out, but get away from it all now and try your very hardest to move on.


I know what it's like to love someone so much that you couldn't think of moving on, but cheating and lies are something you have to understand are NOT worth carrying a burden around forever or are worth second chances, IMO.


Leave her now before you think about it and question it over and over again. Resist ringing her, communicating with her in any way or seeing her ever again, she is NOT worth it in the least...


I really am sorry to hear about everything but I sadly have to agree with Spectre. Spot on there.


Leave her. For good. Don't turn around. Find a girl who you know will respect you and forget about her...

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Leave her. Don't talk to her if she calls, emails, IM's, anything. And don't look back.


If she comes crawling back in a few weeks or months, forget it. Don't talk to her.


You deserve someone who respects you, wants to be with only you, and who doesn't lie to you.


Be grateful that you were there when he called, and that you stuck around to find out that she was deceiving you. It would be much worse for you to have been unaware that she was cheating on you behind your back and to find out months later.


Get tested for STD's as you don't know for sure if she's cheated on you before.

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Totally sucks man, but it happens like this all the time. I'm not sure what it is, but some people will literally wave their infedelity right in your face. My E/X did the same thing with text messaging, right in the living room while I was rubbing her feet. I finally found out it wasnt' her girlfriend, it was a guy she had been working out of town with for several months.


Total betrayal, but life is not fair sometimes.


Sorry dude!

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I am the one who posted this and I wanna thank everyone for their advice on it all. I am feeling very lost right now and feel so alone over this. I was pacing back and forth last night in my house with my phone in my hand and I gave in and called her, I just couldnt stop myself fro doing it, we talked for a long time and she said she doesnt wanna serious relationship and doesnt wanna be tied down but she still wants to talk to me which i dont understand at all. She said she has never cheated on me and swears to it but it is probably all lies we talked for a while and she said she would call me today after she got off work but she never did.


I drove by her house tonight....... I know sounds like a stalker but I am really not and I just miss her alot and I cant help it, she was home and I just drove off. I called her when I got home..... I know I am stupid but I cant help it, she never answered when I called but I left a message telling her to give me a call :o


I am trying to get over this but right now I am still a mess and I just feel so lost and lonely but I have finally commited to not calling her ever again and I am gonna stick to it...... I just really cared alot about her and miss her a great deal.....and I know I shouldnt care at all becuase of the way she treated me but I cant help it.


I got a very strange phone call last night at about 2am, it said private call on my cell phone which normally that is what I always get when she calls me but I am on call for my job and it shows up as private occasionally so I answered it, there was someone on the other line but they wouldnt say a word, but they would make weird growling noises and then just sit there and not say a word....this went on for several minutes with me yelling at them and I finally hung up the phone, It was very spooky and weird.


Im just trying to find strength to just forget about this but right now it is very hard for me to do.

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eh man time will subside the pain....in time. I'm sorry this stupid b*tch did this to you. I really can't see how someone can actually do that, and what goes through their heads at the time. But honestly this girl is not good people. Really stop talking to this girl. Avoid her till the day you die, because that exactly what she desearves



even though I'm sure you won't be it your in the time of heart ache where you are in desperate need of answers. Don't

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It hurt me so much to read that, darb. I am truly and honestly sorry that you have to go through this....


I know the feeling of trying to hold back from talking to someone you know you shouldn't even waste your time on, but you just can't help it. I get it. But you just have to try so so so so so so hard....


I know this isn't as serious but when my bf and I argue (which is sometimes more than often) I will go home and the argument is still unresolved. I sit by my phone, resisting to ring him, but I know I shouldn't cos the argument was his fault/I always am the one running back to him. So I sit by that phone and go to his number in my phone book and am this close to pressing "Ring" but I don't....


I'm learning more and more not to cos I shouldn't be the one running back to im. Just the same as you shouldn't be the one running back to her.


I know, I really do know how hard it can be, you crave that person so much, and all you want is for things to be back to normal, but sometimes, as hard as it is, such is life.


As far as her saying she never has cheated on you.....pfft. *Shakes head* I know exactly how cheaters think/talk to get you on their side. And me? Once someone has lied to me once, that's it, I don't ever trust them again. She is lying to you, sweetheart. She did cheat on you. I know you don't want to hear that, but I would rather you face the music then go on believing her lies and deceit.


I despise cheaters with a passion. I do not have any time for any of them.


You should NOT have any time for this girl. I can see how much you miss her, and I'm so sorry. But just think about what she did to you. You really want to waste your heart ache and possible tears on someone like that? You want to miss THAT?


I know how hard it is, darb. But just try it for me. Go out this weekend with some of your friends. Go see your family. Take your dog for a walk (if you have one), go to the beach, for a surf, go for a drive with your brother/sister, wash your car, go out to dinner.


Do things that YOU like like doing. (Ha, I feel like such an idiot saying this cos I'm guilty of NOT doing things that I want to do!!) Do things that make you feel really good about yourself.


I know you will say "No" to this, but before you know it, you will have girls hanging off you like leaches. With your lovable, caring nature and your personality, you will have a hard time keeping them off.


Trust me! You will get through this. You will be strong. For me, k? :)

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Just my thoughts but break all contact at once . She,s a liar and a cheat and doesnt deserve your time . I know it hurts but there are alot of good women out there and its her lose ! oh and block her number . She knows shes getting to you dont let her do it your better than that . peace

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Flyin in Clouds

I am not going to call her but what if she calls me?


Hang up.


. She said she has never cheated on me and swears to it but it is probably all lies we talked for a while and she said she would call me today after she got off work but she never did.


Oh, good lord... she's got you pussy whippped buddy. You're done.


Forget the bitch... run. If you don't you will regret it. Unless you like being a cuckold.


She's told you she doesn't want an exclusive deal. She wants to play around. That's not what you want so leave her be.

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