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Mind playing tricks on me.

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I have been in a relationship for almost one year now; there have been a few times where I got scared of the relationship and wanted to get out, but I didn’t because I run from everything I can’t handle (I have never been in a serious relationship before) and this time I wasn’t going to run.


That was about 6 months ago, I still get nervous sometimes, but I don’t let it get to me. Sometimes we have the greatest times and I forget about feeling nervous and afraid; as soon as I notice that I am enjoying myself….bang…it all comes back, but with time the thoughts subside.


Just this weekend, I got really mad at her for no reason, and every little thing she did made me more upset, I told myself to calm down, but I couldn’t; yesterday I felt like throwing in the towel and making run for it.


This has been going on for most of the relationship and I feel quite lucky to have a girl that will take that crap. I most definitely want to be with her, but I can’t get rid of the voices!


Not looking for answers, just insight to light the way!

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You may need professional help to discover exactly what your fears are regarding relationships, intimacy and committment.


I applaud you for remaining with the one you love despite the demons who work on your mind.


Perhaps if you just take some time to relax and meditate on these things, you will be more at ease with your lady and her love for you.


A lot of this crap is probably the result of stuff that happened in your childhood. Just as the butterfly has to forget the egg, larvae, pupa stages of development in order to become a beautiful adult butterfly you will have to let go of the past in order to achieve full self actualization as a happy, rational human adult.


Good luck. You can do it.

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You may need professional help to discover exactly what your fears are regarding relationships, intimacy and committment. I applaud you for remaining with the one you love despite the demons who work on your mind.


Perhaps if you just take some time to relax and meditate on these things, you will be more at ease with your lady and her love for you. A lot of this crap is probably the result of stuff that happened in your childhood. Just as the butterfly has to forget the egg, larvae, pupa stages of development in order to become a beautiful adult butterfly you will have to let go of the past in order to achieve full self actualization as a happy, rational human adult. Good luck. You can do it.

Thank you Tony, you might be right, but it is good to hear someone else's opinion other than my own all the time.

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