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OH MY GOD! freaking out a bit

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So basically it has been two weeks since my girlfriend broke up with me after a year and a half. I'm still bummed over it, but whatever.


My room mate at school has talked to his girlfriend and kind of set me up on a date with one of her friends. It's not blind. I have been talking to her and stuff and she seems cool. Anyway, this weekend we are going to do something, but it has been so long since I have gone on a date with a girl that I wasn't already going out with. So I am pretty nervous. I am nervous that she won't have a good time. I am nervous that all I will do is compare her to my ex. And I am nervous because I have no idea what to do. I need some help trying to think of a fun "date" activity. Movies and getting something to eat is too stereotypical and not really like engaging, you know? Any ideas, folks?


Whoops, this should be in general dating. I thought I had clicked that one. SORRY!

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